Giorno dopo giorno nuovi produttori aderiscono alla iniziativa di portare Linux nei loro computers come Qualcom e Texas Instruments oltre a Dell.
Nonostante le false notizie Linux continua a crescere:
Nei giorni scorsi si era notizia la notizia secondo cui Dell aveva sospeso la vendita di notebook con Ubuntu Linux preinstallato: The Inquirer riportava la vicenda e, effettivamente, le pagine dello store online dedicate ai notebook con Ubuntu erano irraggiungibili. Per quanto riguarda le soluzioni desktop non venne segnalato alcun problema.
La notizia ha alimentato molte polemiche, infatti, l'iniziativa di Dell è stata ben accettata dal pubblico anche se alcune critiche riguardano il costo di tali soluzioni che, pare, sia superiore a soluzioni con Microsoft Windows. In varie community si possono leggere commenti decisamente infervorati.
Sintesi del commento:Linpus Technologies Inc , a local Linux operating system (OS) developer, expects Linux-based netbooks to reach 50 percent market share by next year, on a par with Microsoft Inc’s Windows platform, company general manager Stephen Lim said yesterday.
“More and more chip suppliers such as Texas Instruments Inc and Qualcomm Inc are jumping on the bandwagon to adopt Linux,” Lim told a technology seminar hosted by the Industrial Development Bureau yesterday.
“We are also seeing more and more PCs bundled with Linux from Acer Inc , Asustek Computer Inc (華碩電腦), Dell Inc and other computer brands,” he added.
As the Linux provider in Asia, the software company is targeting netbooks and affordable all-in-one (AIO) desktops to battle its Windows rival.
Linpus plans to introduce user-friendly interfaces that enable applications and technologies to be developed on its open platform while delivering commercial-level qualified Linux distribution and semi-annual upgrade services, Lim said.
The advantages of using a Linux system include advanced power management, optimized boot and shutdown times, as well as more WiFi and 3G support such as software development kits (SDK) from telecommunication providers, Lim said.
Last year, Windows XP and Vista together took up a 75 percent of the global market share in netbook OS, data from the Market Intelligence and Consulting Institute (MIC, showed.
“The Windows platform isn’t necessarily better, but consumers have a certain familiarity with this OS, hence XP was able to grow so fast on netbooks last year,” Victor Horng , general manager of OSS Integral Institute Co , told the Taipei Times yesterday.
Linpus also sees netbooks becoming the mainstream soon as they encroach on regular notebook sales, with sales estimated to grow 102 percent this year. Sales of regular notebooks is projected to grow 11.3 percent, while sales of desktop computers are expected to drop 0.9 percent, MIC data showed.
Global PC shipments this year are estimated to approach 300 million units, it added.
Earlier this month, Intel Corp and Novell Inc’s collaboration to aggressively push Moblin, a Linux platform, in netbooks demonstrated Intel’s resolve to build a powerful Linux-based ecosystem.
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