Innanzi tutto la compattezza: oltre ad essere uno dei suoi maggiori pregi è all'inizio anche il più grosso ostacolo; gli script dei programmatori esperti risultano essere molto sintetici e poco comprensibili per un principiante.
Con il tempo, acquistando familiarità con il linguaggio tutto apparirà estremamente chiaro e l'eleganza del Perl potrà essere apprezzata in ogni sua parte. Anzi potrà anche accadere di trovare fastidiose certe ridondanze e la pignoleria delle definizioni presenti in altri linguaggi di programmazione. Infine la potenza: con poche istruzioni saremo in grado di compiere operazioni che con altri strumenti sarebbero risultate talmente complesse o noiose che spesso si sarebbe cercato di agirare il temuto ostacolo.
Col passare del tempo e con l'aumentare della mia esperienza nell'uso del Perl non è affatto diminuito lo stupore per l'eleganza, la sinteticità e l'efficacia con cui il Perl mi premette di effettuare determinate operazioni: è per questo che lo considero uno strumento circondato da un alone di magia che non si finisce mai di studiare e che rivela in ogni occasione un nuovo modo in cui il medesimo algoritmo può essere implementato.
- libb-hooks-endofscope-perl (0.04-1) [universe]
- Execute code after a scope finished compilation
- libb-keywords-perl (1.08-2) [universe]
- lists of internal perl keywords
- libb-perlreq-perl (0.6.8-1) [universe]
- Calculate dependencies for Perl sources
- libb-utils-perl (0.07-1) [universe]
- Helper functions for op tree manipulation
- libbarcode-code128-perl (2.01-2) [universe]
- Perl library to generate CODE 128 bar codes
- libberkeleydb-perl (0.34-1build1)
- use Berkeley DB 4 databases from Perl
- libbiblio-endnotestyle-perl (0.05-1) [universe]
- Reference formatting using Endnote-like templates
- libbiblio-isis-perl (0.24-1.1) [universe]
- Perl module which reads ISIS databases
- libbind-confparser-perl (0.95-3) [universe]
- Parser class for BIND configuration files
- libbio-asn1-entrezgene-perl (1.091-1) [universe]
- parser for NCBI Entrez Gene and NCBI Sequence records
- libbio-mage-perl (20030502.3-1) [universe]
- Container module for classes in the MAGE package: MAGE
- libbit-vector-minimal-perl (1.3-3) [universe]
- Object oriented wrapper around vec()
- libbit-vector-perl (6.4-7build2)
- Perl and C library for bit vectors and more
- libboolean-perl (0.20-1) [universe]
- Boolean support for Perl
- libbot-basicbot-perl (0.7-2) [universe]
- simple irc bot baseclass
- libboulder-perl (1.30-3) [universe]
- Perl module for hierarchical tag/value structures
- libbsd-arc4random-perl (1.3-1) [universe]
- CPAN's BSD::arc4random -- Perl bindings for arc4random
- libbsd-resource-perl (1.2901-1)
- BSD process resource limit and priority functions
- libbuffy-perl (0.9build1) [universe]
- Perl wrapper for the libbuffy library
- libbusiness-creditcard-perl (0.30-1) [universe]
- Validate/generate credit card checksums/names
- libbusiness-isbn-data-perl (20081208-1) [universe]
- data pack for Business::ISBN
- libbusiness-isbn-perl (2.04.01-1) [universe]
- Perl library to work with International Standard Book Numbers
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-authorizenet-perl (3.19-1) [universe]
- AuthorizeNet backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-openecho-perl (0.03-2) [universe]
- ECHO backend module for Business::OnlinePayment
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-payconnect-perl (0.02-1) [universe]
- PaymentOne PayConnect backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-perl (3.00~09-1) [universe]
- Perl extension for online payment processing
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-tclink-perl (1.03-3) [universe]
- TrustCommerce backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-transactioncentral-perl (0.06-2) [universe]
- Transaction Central backend module for Business::OnlinePayment
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-viaklix-perl (0.01-3) [universe]
- viaKLIX backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- libbusiness-us-usps-webtools-perl (1.11-1) [universe]
- Perl module enabling use of USPS Web Tools services
- libcache-cache-perl (1.05-2) [universe]
- Managed caches of persistent information
- libcache-fastmmap-perl (1.28-1) [universe]
- Mmap'ed file as a shared memory interprocess cache
- libcache-memcached-perl (1.24-1) [universe]
- Cache::Memcached - client library for memcached
- libcache-mmap-perl (0.11-1) [universe]
- Shared data cache using memory mapped files
- libcache-perl (2.04-2) [universe]
- the Cache interface
- libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl (0.27-2) [universe]
- Perl module to cache and expire key/value pairs
- libcairo-perl (1.060-1)
- Perl interface to the Cairo graphics library
- libcalendar-simple-perl (1.20-1) [universe]
- Perl extension to create simple calendars
- libcaptcha-recaptcha-perl (0.92-1) [universe]
- perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
- libcarp-assert-more-perl (1.12-2) [universe]
- Convenience wrappers for libcarp-assert-perl
- libcarp-assert-perl (0.20-2) [universe]
- Carp::Assert - executable comments for perl
- libcarp-clan-perl (6.00-1)
- Perl enhancement to Carp error logging facilities
- libcarp-datum-perl (1:0.1.3-5) [universe]
- Debugging And Tracing Ultimate Module (for perl)
- libcatalyst-engine-apache-perl (1.12-2) [universe]
- Base class for Apache 1.x and 2.x Catalyst engines
- libcatalyst-manual-perl (5.7014-1) [multiverse]
- The Catalyst developer's manual
- libcatalyst-model-cdbi-perl (0.11-2) [universe]
- CDBI Model Class for Catalyst
- libcatalyst-modules-extra-perl (3) [universe]
- Extra modules for Catalyst
- libcatalyst-modules-perl (31) [universe]
- Modules for Catalyst
- libcatalyst-perl (5.7015-0ubuntu1) [universe]
- The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
- libcatalyst-plugin-formvalidator-perl (0.02-3) [universe]
- FormValidator for Catalyst
- libcatalyst-view-tt-perl (0.27-1) [universe]
- Template View Class for Catalyst
- libccs-perl (2.20090127-0ubuntu1) [universe]
- Perl module for using the libccs2 library
- libcddb-get-perl (2.23-2.1) [universe]
- read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive
- libcddb-perl (1.17-1) [universe]
- high-level interface to CDDB and freedb servers
- libcdk-perl (4.9.10-3) [universe]
- Perl interface for a curses widget library
- libcflow-perl (1:0.68-12) [universe]
- perl module for analyzing raw IP flow files written by cflowd
- libcgi-ajax-perl (0.707-1) [universe]
- Perl-specific system for writing Asynchronous web applications
- libcgi-application-basic-plugin-bundle-perl (0.3) [universe]
- Basic Plugins for CGI::Application
- libcgi-application-extra-plugin-bundle-perl (0.1) [universe]
- Extra Plugins for CGI::Application
- libcgi-application-perl (4.20-1) [universe]
- Framework for building reusable web-applications
- libcgi-application-plugins-perl (0.11) [universe]
- Dummy transition package for CGI::Application plugins packages
- libcgi-application-server-perl (0.060-1) [universe]
- A simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application
- libcgi-cookie-splitter-perl (0.02-1) [universe]
- Split big cookies into smaller ones
- libcgi-extratags-perl (0.03-1) [universe]
- Useful Extensions for the CGI Module
- libcgi-fast-perl (5.10.0-19ubuntu1) [universe]
- CGI::Fast Perl module
- libcgi-formalware-perl (1.13-1) [universe]
- Perl module for converting an XML file into a suite of CGI forms
- libcgi-formbuilder-perl (3.05.01-6) [universe]
- Easily generate and process stateful CGI forms
- libcgi-formbuilder-source-yaml-perl (1.0.8-2) [universe]
- Initialize FormBuilder application from YAML file
- libcgi-pm-perl (3.42-1) [universe]
- Simple Common Gateway Interface Class
- libcgi-pm-perl
- virtual package provided by perl-modules
- libcgi-session-expiresessions-perl (1.09-1) [universe]
- delete expired CGI::Session db-based and file-based sessions
- libcgi-session-perl (4.39-1) [universe]
- persistent session data in CGI applications
- libcgi-session-serialize-yaml-perl (4.24-1) [universe]
- YAML and YAML::Syck support for CGI::Session's serializers
- libcgi-simple-perl (1.106-1) [universe]
- simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant
- libcgi-ssi-perl (0.92-1) [universe]
- perl CGI::SSI - Use SSI from CGI scripts
- libcgi-untaint-date-perl (1.00-2) [universe]
- CGI::Untaint::date - validate a date
- libcgi-untaint-email-perl (0.03-2) [universe]
- Input handler for CGI::Untaint to validate an email address
- libcgi-untaint-perl (1.26-3) [universe]
- Process CGI input parameters
- libcgi-uploader-perl (2.15-2) [universe]
- Manage CGI uploads using an SQL database
- libcgi-xml-perl (0.1-13) [universe]
- perl module for converting CGI variables from/to XML
- libcgi-xmlapplication-perl (1.1.3-6) [universe]
- perl module for creating XML-DOM and OO based CGI scripts
- libcgi-xmlform-perl (0.10-13) [universe]
- perl module for reading/generating formatted XML
- libchart-perl (2.4.1-5)
- Chart Library for Perl
- libchart-strip-perl (1.05-2) [universe]
- Draw strip chart type graphs
- libchemistry-elements-perl (1.07-1) [universe]
- Perl extension for working with Chemical Elements
- libclamav-client-perl (0.11-1) [universe]
- A client for the ClamAV virus scanner daemon
- libclass-accessor-chained-perl (0.01.1~debian-2.1) [universe]
- make chained accessors
- libclass-accessor-grouped-perl (0.08002-1) [universe]
- Perl module to build groups of accessors
- libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl (0.11-2) [universe]
- Create Lvalue accessors
- libclass-accessor-named-perl (0.008-1) [universe]
- better profiling output for Class::Accessor
- libclass-accessor-perl (0.31-2)
- Automated accessor generator
- libclass-adapter-perl (1.05-1) [universe]
- Perl implementation of the "Adapter" Design Pattern
- libclass-autouse-perl (1.29-1) [universe]
- Defer loading ( 'use'ing ) of a class until run time
- libclass-base-perl (0.03-3) [universe]
- useful base class for deriving other modules
- libclass-c3-componentised-perl (1.0003-1) [universe]
- load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
- libclass-c3-perl (0.20-1) [universe]
- A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm
- libclass-c3-xs-perl (0.08-2) [universe]
- XS speedups for Class::C3
- libclass-container-perl (0.12-2) [universe]
- Glues object frameworks together transparently
- libclass-contract-perl (1.14-6) [universe]
- Design-by-Contract OO in Perl
- libclass-csv-perl (1.03-2.1) [universe]
- Class based CSV parser/writer
- libclass-data-accessor-perl (0.04004-1) [universe]
- Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation
- libclass-data-inheritable-perl (0.08-1) [universe]
- Inheritable, overridable class data
- libclass-date-perl (1.1.9-2) [universe]
- easy date and time manipulation
- libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl (0.07-2) [universe]
- Abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract
- libclass-dbi-asform-perl (2.42-4) [universe]
- Produce HTML form elements for database columns using Class::DBI
- libclass-dbi-fromcgi-perl (1.00-3) [universe]
- Update Class::DBI data using CGI::Untaint
- libclass-dbi-fromform-perl (0.04-2) [universe]
- Perl module to update Class::DBI data using Data::FormValidator
- libclass-dbi-loader-perl (0.34-1) [universe]
- Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
- libclass-dbi-loader-relationship-perl (1.3-2) [universe]
- Easier relationship specification in Class::DBI::Loader
- libclass-dbi-mysql-perl (1.00-1.1) [universe]
- Class::DBI::mysql - Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
- libclass-dbi-pager-perl (0.08-3) [universe]
- Pager utility for Class::DBI
- libclass-dbi-perl (3.0.17-1) [universe]
- A convenient abstraction layer to a database
- libclass-dbi-pg-perl (0.09-2) [universe]
- Class::DBI extension for Postgres
- libclass-dbi-plugin-abstractcount-perl (0.07-1) [universe]
- Class::DBI::Plugin::AbstractCount - get COUNT(*) results with abstract SQL
- libclass-dbi-plugin-pager-perl (0.561-2) [universe]
- Class::DBI::Plugin::Pager - paged queries for CDBI
- libclass-dbi-plugin-perl (0.03-4) [universe]
- Abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins
- libclass-dbi-plugin-retrieveall-perl (1.04-2) [universe]
- A more complex retrieve_all() method for Class::DBI
- libclass-dbi-plugin-type-perl (0.02-6) [universe]
- Determine type information for Class::DBI table columns
- libclass-dbi-sqlite-perl (0.11-3) [universe]
- Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
- libclass-dbi-sweet-perl (0.09-1) [universe]
- sweeter Class::DBI
- libclass-default-perl (1.51-2) [universe]
- Perl module to make static calls apply to a default instantiation
- libclass-delegator-perl (0.09-1) [universe]
- Perl module for a simple and fast object-oriented delegation
- libclass-errorhandler-perl (0.01-2) [universe]
- Base class for error handling
- libclass-factory-perl (1.06-2) [universe]
- Base class for dynamic factory classes
- libclass-factory-util-perl (1.7-2) [universe]
- Utility method for factory classes
- libclass-inner-perl (0.1-5) [universe]
- A perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
- libclass-insideout-perl (1.09-1) [universe]
- A safe, simple inside-out object construction kit
- libclass-inspector-perl (1.23-1) [universe]
- Perl module that provides information about classes
- libclass-makemethods-perl (1.01-3) [universe]
- Generate common types of methods
- libclass-meta-perl (0.62-1) [universe]
- Class automation, introspection, and data validation
- libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.13-1) [universe]
- perl module for creating generic methods
- libclass-mop-perl (0.73-1) [universe]
- A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
- libclass-multimethods-perl (1.70-5) [universe]
- Support multimethods and subroutine overloading in Perl
- libclass-objecttemplate-perl (0.7-4) [universe]
- Perl extension for an optimized template builder base class
- libclass-pluggable-perl (0.022-2) [universe]
- Simple pluggable class.
- libclass-prototyped-perl (1.11-2) [universe]
- Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl
- libclass-returnvalue-perl (0.55-1) [universe]
- A return-value object that lets you treat it as a boolean, array or object
- libclass-singleton-perl (1.4-1) [universe]
- implementation of a "Singleton" class
- libclass-spiffy-perl (0.15-2) [universe]
- Spiffy Perl interface framework
- libclass-std-perl (0.0.9-2) [universe]
- Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
- libclass-std-utils-perl (0.0.3-1) [universe]
- Utility subroutines for building "inside-out" objects
- libclass-throwable-perl (0.10-2) [universe]
- A minimal lightweight exception class
- libclass-trait-perl (0.22-3ubuntu1) [universe]
- An implementation of Traits in Perl
- libclass-trigger-perl (0.13-1) [universe]
- Mix-in to add / call inheritable triggers
- libclass-unload-perl (0.05-1) [universe]
- Unload a class
- libclass-virtual-perl (0.06-2) [universe]
- Base class for virtual base classes
- libclass-whitehole-perl (0.04-4) [universe]
- Base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
- libclearsilver-perl (0.10.4-1.3) [universe]
- Perl bindings for clearsilver
- libclone-perl (0.30-1) [universe]
- recursively copy Perl datatypes
- libclone-pp-perl (1.02-1) [universe]
- Recursively copy Perl datatypes
- libclutter-perl ( [universe]
- Open GL based interactive canvas library - perl bindings
- libcoat-perl (0.334-1) [universe]
- light and Moose-compatible meta-class for Perl5
- libcoat-persistent-perl (0.102-1) [universe]
- Ruby's ActiveRecord::Base port for Perl (ORM)
- libcolor-calc-perl (1.05-1) [universe]
- Perl module for simple calculations with RGB colors
- libcolor-scheme-perl (1.02-3) [universe]
- Perl module to generate pleasant color schemes
- libcompress-bzip2-perl (2.09-2) [universe]
- Perl interface to Bzip2 compression library
- libcompress-raw-bzip2-perl (2.015-1) [universe]
- Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
- libcompress-raw-zlib-perl (2.015-1)
- low-level interface to zlib compression library
- libcompress-zlib-perl (2.015-1)
- Perl module for creation and manipulation of gzip files
- libconfig-any-perl (0.16-1) [universe]
- Load configuration from different file formats, transparently
- libconfig-apacheformat-perl (1.2-4) [universe]
- use Apache format config files
- libconfig-augeas-perl (0.301-1) [universe]
- Perl module which allows to edit configuration files through Augeas
- libconfig-auto-perl (0.20-2) [universe]
- Magical config file parser
- libconfig-file-perl (1.46-1ubuntu1) [universe]
- Parses simple configuration files
- libconfig-general-perl (2.40-1) [universe]
- Generic Configuration Module
- libconfig-inetd-perl (0.25-1.2) [universe]
- Interface to modify /etc/inetd.conf
- libconfig-ini-simple-perl (0.02-1) [universe]
- Simple reading and writing from an INI file
- libconfig-inifiles-perl (2.39-5)
- Read .ini-style configuration files
- libconfig-inihash-perl (3.00.00-1) [universe]
- Perl extension for reading and writing INI files
- libconfig-json-perl (1.3.1-1) [universe]
- parser for JSON-based configuration files
- libconfig-scoped-perl (0.12-1) [universe]
- Feature rich configuration file parser
- libconfig-simple-perl (4.59-3) [universe]
- simple configuration file class
- libconfig-std-perl (0.0.4-3) [universe]
- Load and save configuration files in a standard format
- libconfig-tiny-perl (2.12-1) [universe]
- Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
- libconfig-yaml-perl (1.42-1) [universe]
- Simple configuration automation
- libconfigreader-perl (0.5-4) [universe]
- Perl module for reading configuration files
- libcontextual-return-perl (0.2.1-1) [universe]
- Create context-senstive return values
- libconvert-asn1-perl (0.22-1)
- Perl module for encoding and decoding ASN.1 data structures
- libconvert-ber-perl (1.3101-3) [universe]
- Perl implementation of Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
- libconvert-binhex-perl (1.119+pristine-3)
- Perl5 module for extracting data from macintosh BinHex files
- libconvert-pem-perl (0.07-2) [universe]
- Perl module for reading/writing encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
- libconvert-tnef-perl (0.17-8)
- Perl module to read TNEF files
- libconvert-units-perl (1:0.43-1) [universe]
- Perl module for performing unit conversions
- libconvert-uulib-perl (1.11-1)
- Perl interface to the uulib library (a.k.a. uudeview/uuenview)
- libcoy-perl (0.06-6) [universe]
- replace perl error messages with haiku
- libcpan-distnameinfo-perl (0.07-1) [universe]
- Extract distribution name and version from a distribution filename
- libcpan-mini-perl (0.550-1.1) [universe]
- create a minimal mirror of CPAN
- libcrypt-blowfish-perl (2.10-1build2)
- Blowfish cryptography for Perl
- libcrypt-cbc-perl (2.30-1) [universe]
- Implementation of cipher block chaining (CBC) mode
- libcrypt-ciphersaber-perl (0.61-4) [universe]
- Perl module implementing CipherSaber encryption
- libcrypt-des-ede3-perl (0.01-1.1) [universe]
- Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption for perl
- libcrypt-des-perl (2.05-2build1) [universe]
- Perl DES encryption module
- libcrypt-dh-perl (0.06-2) [universe]
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange system implemented in Perl
- libcrypt-ecb-perl (1.40-2) [universe]
- Perl library to encrypt data using ECB mode
- libcrypt-eksblowfish-perl (0.005-1) [universe]
- Perl module implementing the Eksblowfish block cipher
- libcrypt-gpg-perl (1.52-1) [universe]
- An Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG
- libcrypt-hcesha-perl (0.70-2) [universe]
- Perl extension for one way hash chaining encryption using SHA
- libcrypt-mysql-perl (0.04-2build1) [universe]
- Perl module to emulate the MySQL PASSWORD() function.
- libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl (0.04-1build1)
- Access OpenSSL multiprecision integer arithmetic libraries
- libcrypt-openssl-dsa-perl (0.13-4) [universe]
- module which implements the DSA signature verification system
- libcrypt-openssl-random-perl (0.04-1build1)
- Access to the OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator
- libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl (0.25-1build1)
- Perl module providing basic RSA functionality
- libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl (0.7-1) [universe]
- Perl extension to OpenSSL's X509 API
- libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl (1.3-9) [universe]
- interoperable MD5-based crypt() for perl
- libcrypt-rijndael-perl (1.07-1) [universe]
- Perl module implementing the Rijndael algorithm
- libcrypt-simple-perl (0.06-4) [universe]
- Perl library to encrypt stuff simply
- libcrypt-smbhash-perl (0.12-2) [universe]
- generate LM/NT hash of a password for samba
- libcrypt-ssleay-perl (0.57-1) [universe]
- Support for https protocol in LWP
- libcrypt-unixcrypt-perl (1.0-5) [universe]
- Perl-only implementation of the crypt(3) function
- libcrypt-unixcrypt-xs-perl (0.08-1) [universe]
- Perl XS interface for a portable traditional crypt() function
- libcss-perl (1.07-2) [universe]
- CSS - Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- libcss-squish-perl (0.07-1) [universe]
- Compact many CSS files into one big file
- libcss-tiny-perl (1.15-1) [universe]
- Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible
- libcurses-perl (1.24-1) [universe]
- Curses interface for Perl
- libcurses-ui-perl (0.9605-1) [universe]
- curses-based OO user interface framework for Perl
- libcurses-widgets-perl (1.997-5) [universe]
- Curses widget interface for Perl
- libcvs-perl (0.07-3) [universe]
- Object oriented Perl interface to the CVS command
- libcyrus-imap-perl22 (2.2.13-14ubuntu3) [universe]
- Interface to Cyrus imap client imclient library
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