Il Perl, acronimo di Pratical extraction and report language, è diventato tanto popolare in Rete perché è il linguaggio più utilizzato per la creazine di programmi Cgi residenti su server Http.
Insomma, il Perl è sicuramente una miniera d'oro per il webmaster che abbia determinate esigenze, ed impararne le basi è utile per poter iniziare a scrivere i propri script di automatizzazione (ma non solo, si possono scrivere anche veri e propri programmi) e successivamente implementarli sul proprio server, locale o non che sia.
L'interprete perl non compila mai il codice in codice-macchina, come fanno i compilatori C: ogni volta che si esegue uno script in perl, questo viene interpretato "al volo".

Ci sono 2 versioni di perl: il perl4 ed il suo successore, il perl5. Questo è in linea di massima compatibile con il perl4, ed ha inoltre features addizionali. In questo documento si farà riferimento soprattutto al perl5, visto che ormai dovrebbe essere la release più utilizzata.
a2ps-perl-ja, versione Perl di a2ps di Miguel Santana (supporta il KANJI)
Convertito in Perl e migliorato da Kazumasa Utashiro. Il supporto per B4 e filigrana è un contributo di Masami Ueno.
Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
- ack-grep, a grep-like program specifically for large source trees

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
Event: RPC consists of a server and a client library. The server exports a list of classes and methods, which are allowed to be called over the network. More specific it acts as a proxy for objects created on the server side (on demand of the connected clients) which handles client side methods calls with transport of method arguments and return values.
The object proxy handles refcounting and destruction of objects created by clients properly. Objects as method parameters and return values are handled as well (although with some limitations, see below).
Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
courier-filter-perl, Infrastruttura per filtro di posta Perl per l'MTA Courier

Gli autori di moduli filtro possono concentrarsi sulla scrittura reale logica del filtro senza doversi preoccupare dei soliti dettagli a basso-livello dell'interfaccia courierfilter.
È anche supportato il log su vari dispositivi.
Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
- datafreedom-perl (0.1.7-1) [universe]
- convert PIM data between applications in perl
- ebug-http (0.31-2) [universe]
- web front end to a simple, extensible Perl debugger
- event-rpc-perl (1.00-0ubuntu1) [universe]
- dummy package to install libevent-rpc-perl
- gearman-server (1.09-1) [universe]
- Gearman distributed job system
- gtk2-ex-formfactory-perl (0.65-0.0ubuntu1) [universe]
- Makes building complex GUI's easy
- jirc (0.7-2) [universe]
- an IRC to Jabber bridge bot
- kolab-libcyrus-imap-perl (2.2.13-5build1) [universe]
- Interface to Cyrus imap client imclient library
- lemonldap-ng (0.9.2-1) [universe]
- Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system
- lemonldap-ng-doc (0.9.2-1) [universe]
- Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system documentation
- libacme-poe-knee-perl (1.10-6) [universe]
- Time sliced pony race using the POE event loop
- libalgorithm-annotate-perl (0.10-1.1) [universe]
- represent a series of changes in annotate form
- libalgorithm-c3-perl (0.07-1) [universe]
- A module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
- libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl (0.48-1) [universe]
- Perl extension to generate and test check digits
- libalgorithm-dependency-perl (1.106-1) [universe]
- Base class for implementing various dependency trees in Perl
- libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.19.02-1) [universe]
- a perl library for finding Longest Common Sequences in text
- libalias-perl (2.32-8build1) [universe]
- Access perl variables through aliases
- libalien-wxwidgets-perl (0.37-1) [universe]
- building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
- libalzabo-perl (0.92-2) [universe]
- Data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper
- libanydata-perl (0.10-8) [universe]
- simple tied hash interface for files and data structures
- libapache-admin-config-perl (0.94-1.1) [universe]
- a Perl module to read/write Apache like configuration files
- libapache-asp-perl (2.59-2.1ubuntu1) [universe]
- perl Apache::ASP - Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl
- libapache-authenhook-perl (2.00-04+pristine-1) [universe]
- Perl API for Apache 2.1 authentication
- libapache-configfile-perl (1.18-6) [universe]
- Parse an Apache style httpd.conf configuration file
- libapache-db-perl (0.14-1) [universe]
- Run the interactive Perl debugger under mod_perl
- libapache-dbi-perl (1.07-1) [universe]
- Connect apache server to database via perl's DBI
- libapache-dbilogger-perl (0.93-11) [universe]
- Tracks what's being transferred in a DBI database
- libapache-gallery-perl (0.99-svn060811-1) [universe]
- Apache module to create galleries on-the-fly
- libapache-htpasswd-perl (1.8-0.1) [universe]
- Manage Unix crypt-style password file
- libapache-session-perl (1.86-1) [universe]
- Perl modules for keeping persistent user data across http requests
- libapache-session-wrapper-perl (0.33-1) [universe]
- A simple wrapper around Apache::Session
- libapache-sessionx-perl (2.01-1) [universe]
- An extented persistence framework for session data
- libapache-singleton-perl (0.07-1) [universe]
- Singleton class for mod_perl
- libapache2-authcassimple-perl (0.05-1) [universe]
- Apache2 module to authentificate trough a CAS server
- libapache2-authenntlm-perl (0.02-5) [universe]
- Perform Microsoft NTLM and Basic User Authentication
- libapache2-mod-apreq2 (2.08-5build1) [universe]
- generic Apache request library - Apache module
- libapache2-mod-perl2 (2.0.4-1ubuntu1)
- Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server
- libapache2-modbt-perl (0.0.19+p4.2340-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
- Perl bindings for mod_bt
- libapache2-reload-perl (0.10-2)
- Reload Perl modules when changed on disk
- libapache2-request-perl (2.08-5build1) [universe]
- generic Apache request library - Perl modules
- libapp-cache-perl (0.33-1.1) [universe]
- Easy application-level caching library for perl
- libapp-cli-perl (0.07-2) [universe]
- Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
- libapp-control-perl (1.02-2) [universe]
- Perl module for apachectl style control of another executable
- libapp-info-perl (0.52-1) [universe]
- Provide metadata about software packages installed
- libapparmor-perl (2.3+1289-0ubuntu4)
- AppArmor library Perl bindings
- libappconfig-perl (1.56-2)
- Perl module for configuration file and command line handling
- libapreq2 (2.08-5build1) [universe]
- generic Apache request library
- libapreq2-dev (2.08-5build1) [universe]
- generic Apache request library - development files
- libapreq2-doc (2.08-5build1) [universe]
- generic Apache request library - documentation
- libapt-pkg-perl (0.1.22build1) [universe]
- Perl interface to libapt-pkg
- libarchive-ar-perl (1.13b-2) [universe]
- perl interface for manipulating ar archives
- libarchive-zip-perl (1.18-1)
- Module for manipulation of ZIP archives
- libarray-compare-perl (1.16-1) [universe]
- Array::Compare - easily compare arrays
- libarray-printcols-perl (2.1-9) [universe]
- Print or format array elements in vertically sorted columns
- libarray-refelem-perl (1.00-1.1) [universe]
- Set up array elements as aliases
- libasterisk-agi-perl (0.10-2) [universe]
- Collections of Perl modules to be used with Asterisk PBX AGI
- libastro-fits-cfitsio-perl (1.05-2) [universe]
- Perl extension for using the cfitsio library
- libastro-fits-header-perl (2.8.1-2) [universe]
- Perl tools for reading, modifying and writing FITS headers
- libaudio-cd-perl (0.05-7) [universe]
- library to handle CDDB and low-level cd io calls
- libaudio-file-perl (0.11-1.1) [universe]
- Perl audio file abstraction library
- libaudio-flac-decoder-perl (0.2-2.2) [universe]
- Perl module providing an object-oriented FLAC decoder
- libaudio-flac-header-perl (2.2-2) [universe]
- Perl interface to FLAC file header metadata
- libaudio-mixer-perl (0.7-3) [universe]
- perl extension for Sound Mixer control
- libaudio-moosic-perl (0.10-1) [universe]
- Moosic client library for Perl
- libaudio-mpd-common-perl (0.1.2-1) [universe]
- common perl helper classes for MPD
- libaudio-mpd-perl (0.19.2-1) [universe]
- communicate with MPD servers from perl
- libaudio-musepack-perl (0.02-0) [universe]
- An object-oriented interface to Musepack file information
- libaudio-scrobbler-perl (0.01-2.1) [universe]
- perl interface to audioscrobbler.com/last.fm
- libaudio-wav-perl (0.06-3) [universe]
- Perl Modules for reading & writing Microsoft WAV files
- libaudio-wma-perl (0.01-0) [universe]
- Perl extension for reading WMA/ASF Metadata
- libaudio-xmmsclient-perl (0.5DrLecter-2ubuntu1) [universe]
- XMMS2 - perl client library
- libauthen-captcha-perl (1.023-5) [universe]
- Extension for creating captcha's to verify the human element in transactions
- libauthen-cas-client-perl (0.03-1) [universe]
- Interface for authentication using JA-SIG's CAS
- libauthen-dechpwd-perl (2.002-4) [universe]
- Perl module for DEC VMS password hashing
- libauthen-krb5-perl (1.8-1) [universe]
- Perl extension for Kerberos 5 API
- libauthen-krb5-simple-perl (0.40-1) [universe]
- Authenticate a user/password using Kerberos 5
- libauthen-pam-perl (0.16-1.1) [universe]
- Perl interface to PAM library
- libauthen-passphrase-perl (0.005-3) [universe]
- Perl module encapsulating hashed passwords/passphrases as objects
- libauthen-radius-perl (0.13-1) [universe]
- user authentication against radius
- libauthen-sasl-cyrus-perl (0.13-server-3) [universe]
- Perl extension for Cyrus SASL library
- libauthen-sasl-perl (2.12-1)
- Authen::SASL - SASL Authentication framework
- libauthen-simple-cdbi-perl (0.2-2) [universe]
- Simple CDBI authentication
- libauthen-simple-dbi-perl (0.2-2) [universe]
- Simple DBI authentication
- libauthen-simple-dbm-perl (0.2-2) [universe]
- Simple DBM authentication
- libauthen-simple-http-perl (0.2-3) [universe]
- Simple HTTP authentication
- libauthen-simple-kerberos-perl (0.1-3) [universe]
- Simple Kerberos authentication
- libauthen-simple-ldap-perl (0.2-2) [universe]
- Simple LDAP authentication
- libauthen-simple-net-perl (0.2-3) [universe]
- Simple NET authentication
- libauthen-simple-pam-perl (0.2-2) [universe]
- Simple PAM authentication
- libauthen-simple-passwd-perl (0.6-2) [universe]
- Simple Passwd authentication
- libauthen-simple-perl (0.4-5) [universe]
- Simple and consistent perl framework for authentication
- libauthen-simple-radius-perl (0.1-2) [universe]
- Simple RADIUS authentication
- libauthen-simple-smb-perl (0.1-3) [universe]
- Simple SMB authentication
- libauthen-smb-perl (0.91-4) [universe]
- SMB authentication module for Perl
- libauthen-tacacsplus-perl (0.19-1) [universe]
- Perl extension for authentication using tacacs+ server
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