Con ISPConfig è possibile, attraverso un pratico pannello di controllo, gestire tutti i servizi tipici forniti da un ISP: server web, di posta, DNS, FTP con Proftpd, database MySQL, sistemi antispam, quote disco e molto altro ancora.
Questo articolo spiega come istallare mod_ruby su diverse distribuzioni supportate da ISPConfig.
Interface Languages
* English
* German
* French
* Spanish
* Dutch
* Italian
* Polish
* Swedish
If you are interested in translating the interface, please contact us at dev [at] ispconfig [dot] org.
Daemons and Software
* Apache 1.3.x/2.0.x/2.2.x
* Proftpd & vsftpd
* Supports The Following Mail Servers: Sendmail & Postfix
* All POP3 & POP3s Servers
* All IMAP & IMAPs Servers
* BIND 8/9 (A, CNAME, MX, SPF Records)
* Firewall Configuration
* Monitoring Of Services And Automatic Restart
* Web FTP
* Web Mail Interface
* phpMyAdmin Integration

* PHP incl. Safemode
* CGI-Directories
* SSL Sites and Certificates
* Frontpage 2002 extensions (if installed on the server)
* MySQL Databases
* Disk Quota
* Webalizer statisics
* Traffic statistics
* Traffic limits (for web sites and resellers)
* Disk usage statistics and overquota warnings
* Individual standard index and error pages per domain
* Individual records for inclusion in apache vhost (admin only)
* Domain redirects
* Backup
* Log-Quota and Logrotation
* Standard CGI
* WAP pages
* Hosting templates
Email and user accounts
* System, FTP and Mail users
* Autoresponder
* Mailquota
* Mailscanner
* Mailfilter
* CatchAll Email addresses
* Shell-User
* Automatic User prefix
* ClamAV antivirus filter
* SpamAssassin Spamfilter Settings
* Creation of folders / categories where resellers / clients / sites can be stored in.
* 4 different logins (Administrator, Resellers, Clients, Email-Users)
* Update manager
* Recycle bin to restore deleted clients / users / domains
* Language settings per user
* Primary and Secondary DNS
* Management of SPF Records (see http://www.openspf.org for more details)
* Automatic network configuration for new IP Addresses (optional)
* Welcome mails for resellers / clients
* Several reseller limits
* Reseller Quota
* Traffic limits for web sites and resellers
* Trouble ticket system
ISPConfig 2 stable
Download ISPConfig 2.2.23 from sourceforge.net [Download]
ISPConfig 2 development (unstable)
This is a development version which may be unstable. DO NOT USE IT ON PRODUCTION SYSTEMS! Using the development versions and updating from a stable version to a development version may lead to errors.
Download ISPConfig 2.3.4-dev from sourceforge.net [Download]
ISPConfig 3 Beta
ISPConfig 3 is the next generation of the ISPConfig control panel, rewritten from scratch to support virtual users and multiple servers. ISPConfig 3 can not be used to Update a ISPConfig 2 installation at the moment.
Download ISPConfig [Download]
System Requirements for the beta version: Debian 4.0 or Ubuntu 7.10. Installation instructions can be found inside the tar.gz file.
Tools & Add-ons
Tools and Add-on .pkg packages can be installed with the ISPConfig update function.
UebiMiau Webmail
Version 2.7.2 [Download] (05/18/2006)
phpMyAdmin-2.11.6 [Download] [info] (04/23/2008)
ISPConfig Remoting Framework 1.0 (Beta 3)
The ISPConfig Remoting Framework enables the creation and update of resellers, clients, web sites, email accounts and DNS records from external or third party software. The interface is implemented as SOAP calls and can be used remotely by most programming languages. [more]
Third-Party Tools & Add-ons
RoundcubeWebmail 0.1.1 [Download] Info (03/04/2008)
There is also a roundcube installer package available which contains the roundcube installer to check the system requirements. More...
Telaen Webmail 1.2.0 [Download] [Installation instructions]
phpPgAdmin 3.5.2 [Download]
For installation instructions, please read this thread in the forum.
AWStats Info
Themes have to be installed manually on the shell. The installation instructions are inside the .zip file.
Theme from Jonathan Spence, Web-2u Limited [Preview][Download]
Virtual Appliances
Free VMWare virtual Appliance with ISPConfig and all services needed for webhosting preinstalled.
The ISPConfig VM is compatible with the free VMWare server and VMWare Client. [more]
Additional language packs
04/26/2007 Updated Polish translation [Download]
Documentation download as PDF documents.
SVN Repository
The URL of the public ISPConfig 2.x SVN Repository is:
The URL of the public ISPConfig 3.x SVN Repository is:
Nightly Checkouts from the SVN repository
Download ISPConfig 2.x stable branch
Download ISPConfig 2.x development branch
The SVN version is build from the Development branch. These builds are untested and recommended only for developers.
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