* Mozilla Firefox, un browser web
* Mozilla Thunderbird, un client di posta elettronica
* Mozilla Sunbird, un'applicazione per la gestione di calendari
* SeaMonkey, una suite per la navigazione su Internet
Queste estensioni possono essere utilizzate anche con altre applicazioni basate sulla stessa tecnologia:
* Netscape Browser, un browser web
* Flock, un browser web
* Nvu, un editor di pagine HTML
Le funzionalità possono andare da una semplice toolbar che consente la ricerca di informazioni su Internet ad una nuova caratteristica più complessa, come può essere quella degli effetti sui singoli tab. Lo scopo principale delle estensioni è, quindi, quello di personalizzare la propria versione delle applicazioni Mozilla.
Le estensioni nel dettaglio
Ogni estensione è costituita da diversi componenti è può essere riferita utilizzando un indirizzo chrome. Essa organizza i suoi contenuti in una struttura di directory ben precisa, nella quale ogni file con una specifica funzionalità va collocato in una particolare directory. Ogni estensione è poi accompagnata da un file RDF di nome install.rdf, che contiene i dati dell'estensione, come il suo ID, la sua versione, il suo autore e la sua compatibilità con l'applicazione Mozilla interessata.
Sviluppo delle estensioni
Grazie alla struttura delle applicazioni Mozilla ed alle loro caratteristiche, le estensioni possono essere scritte e sviluppate da chiunque: per sviluppare un'estensione, infatti, basta conoscere XML User Interface Language (XUL) e Javascript.
La prima operazione da effettuare per sviluppare una propria estensione è quella di utilizzare XUL per definire l'interfaccia grafica della propria estensione e per modificare l'interfaccia dell'applicazione che la ospita. In questo senso, è possibile aggiungere alle applicazioni Mozilla semplici pulsanti, barre di ricerca o, addirittura, interi menù. Risulta chiaro, quindi, come questi prodotti siano altamente personalizzabili.
Una volta definita l'interfaccia grafica della propria estensione, è possibile definire e sviluppare le operazioni che l'utente può effettuare attraverso i controlli dell'interfaccia grafica dell'estensione, utilizzando il linguaggio di scripting Javascript. Con questo linguaggio, che per altro è già molto utilizzato nei siti web, è possibile fare qualsiasi tipo di operazione, dalla ricerca di informazioni all'interazione con un sito web, alla semplice apertura di una pagina del browser.
Una volta completato lo sviluppo della propria estensione è possibile creare un pacchetto installabile (file XPI) per consentire agli altri utenti di utilizzare l'estensione sviluppata.
Xmarks (formerly Foxmarks)
by Xmarks Inc.
135,803 weekly downloadsXmarks is the #1 bookmarking add-on. Install it on all your computers to keep your bookmarks and (optionally) passwords backed up and synchronized. Xmarks also helps you uncover the best of the web based on what millions of people are bookmarking.
Updated May 2, 2009
iMacros for Firefox
by iOpus
66,488 weekly downloadsAutomate Firefox. Record and replay repetitious work. If you love the Firefox web browser, but are tired of repetitive tasks like visiting the same sites every days, filling out forms, and remembering passwords, then iMacros for Firefox is the solution you’ve been dreaming of! ***Whatever you do with Firefox, iMacros can automate it.***
Updated May 8, 2009
Tab Mix Plus
by Gary Reyes, onemen
57,822 weekly downloadsTab Mix Plus enhances Firefox's tab browsing capabilities. It includes such features as duplicating tabs, controlling tab focus, tab clicking options, undo closed tabs and windows, plus much more. It also includes a full-featured session manager.
Updated October 19, 2008
Speed Dial
by Josep del Rio
57,696 weekly downloadsDirect access to your most visited websites
Updated April 4, 2009
by StumbleUpon
55,215 weekly downloadsStumbleUpon discovers web sites based on your interests, learns what you like and brings you more.
Updated April 22, 2009
by chrislusf
36,589 weekly downloadsTurns Idle FireFox into a ScreenSaver and Photo Viewer! Nice non-offensive pictures updated daily! Or your own pictures. FullScreen. Works great on Linux or dual monitors! Resouce Efficient! Support Media RSS. Recommend your own favorite pictures!
Updated May 12, 2009
by The Interclue Team
35,236 weekly downloadsEver wanted to know what was behind the link before you clicked? Interclue tells you everything you need to know before you open yet another tab.
Updated January 5, 2009
Google Toolbar
by Google
33,871 weekly downloadsTake the power of Google with you anywhere on the Web
Updated April 28, 2009
by Adam Kowalczyk
23,414 weekly downloadsBrief makes reading RSS feeds as easy and intuitive as it gets. Designed to have exactly the right set of features, it is powerful and simple at the same time. Feeds are presented on a seamless, interactive page which let's you bookmark and tag items with a single click.
Updated June 16, 2008
Shareaholic for Firefox
by The Shareaholic Team
21,593 weekly downloadsShareaholic is simply the quickest and best way to share, e-mail, bookmark, and blog links. The ultimate tool for the link sharing addict! If you use sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Digg, Gmail, LinkedIn, etc you'll likely love this add-on.
Updated June 6, 2009
Multirow Bookmarks Toolbar
by White Alice0775
21,230 weekly downloadsMulti Row Bookmarks Toolbar. Version 3.0 or more does not work on "MacBook Air Leopard 10.5.5 ". Please use Version 2.9 with "MacBook Air Leopard 10.5.5 ".
Let me install this experimental add-on. What's this?Updated May 20, 2009
SmarterFox: Browse Faster
by yongq
18,959 weekly downloadsBrowse faster by speeding up common tasks. SmarterFox helps you with finding information, visiting your favorite sites, copy & paste, and more.
Updated June 2, 2009
Infoaxe: Full Text Web History Search synchronized between Firefox, IE on multiple computers.
by Infoaxe, Inc.
17,677 weekly downloadsEvery page that you browse on the Web is searchable across Firefox and IE across all the computers you use. You therefore never have to bookmark a page again! You can see results from your web memory both at infoaxe.com and while searching on Google (on the right side of the Google Search Results page). Infoaxe crawls and allows you to search only publicly viewable webpages, so authenticated webpages like email, facebook, bank accounts etc. are never added to your web memory.
Updated May 28, 2009
Peers - Instant Search
by The Peers Bros.
13,409 weekly downloadsAccelerate your search by real-time previewing results and suggestions in your Search Bar and Location Bar as you type. Quickly select favorite search engines for Site Search using keywords.
Updated June 3, 2009
Read It Later
by Idea Shower
12,948 weekly downloadsRead It Later allows you to save pages of interest to read later. It eliminates cluttering of bookmarks with sites that are merely of a one-time interest.
Updated May 6, 2009
by AdaptiveBlue
12,749 weekly downloadsGlue connects you with friends around things you visit! Glue automatically appears on sites about books, movies, music, restaurants, stocks, wine and more to show you friends who looked at the same things and tells you what they thought!
Updated April 20, 2009
Reframe It
by Brian McKinney
10,984 weekly downloadsComment anywhere on the web without the permission of a site. Reframe It lets you comment next to the text or images of any website. With it you can highlight comment and share you thoughts in context. Say what you want where you want to.
Updated May 12, 2009
by gneheix
10,020 weekly downloadsA proxy tool works on a customizable sites list!
Updated March 6, 2009
Personal Menu
by Merci chao
8,525 weekly downloads"Menus Toolbar" item is now available in Toolbar Context Menu and you may hide it forever! So let's replace the conservative menus and gather all useful commands into a compact and tiny button!
Updated March 19, 2009
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