domenica 24 agosto 2008

Applets scritte in python per l'ambiente desktop Gnome

Maria Susana Diaz | 11:38 |
Le gDeskLets sono delle applets scritte in python per l'ambiente desktop Gnome.

Sono essenzialmente composte da due parti: il sensore, e il display.
Il primo funge da iterazione tra l'utente e le applets, mentre il secondo è il file
che dà un aspetto grafico alle applets. Sia sensori che applets sono reperibili al

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Come installare le applets del desktop

Per instalare il programma:
sudo apt-get install gdesklets
sudo apt-get install gdesklets-data

Per installare le suddette applets ho preferito utilizzare i precompilati Slackware in modo da rendere l'operazione veloce ed intuitiva anche per gli utenti che sono entrati nel mondo GNU/Linux solo da poco.

Per gli utenti che utilizzano swaret come tools per installare programmi,se hanno inserito il repository del sito nel file di configurazione di swaret (swaret.conf),basta aprire una shell e lanciare da root il comando : swaret --install gdesklets ... in questo modo si scarica il file e lo si installa in automatico.

Per chi non utilizza swaret può reperire il file precompilato (*.tgz) dal sito , una volta scaricato il file apriamo la solita shell,logghiamoci come root ed installiamo il pacchetto con il comando : installpkg

Se invece vogliamo installare il programma di gestione dai sorgenti è possibile reperire i file al seguente link:

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

scaricati i sorgenti apriamo la shell logghiamoci come root:

* prima cosa da fare decomprimere il pacchetto con il comando

tar xvzf nome-pacchetto.tar.gz se l'archivio è in formato tar.gz
#:oppure tar xvjf nome-pacchetto.tar.bz2 se l'archivio è in formato tar.bz2

* seconda cosa posizionamoci all'interno della cartella decompressa ed eseguiamo il processo di compilazione ed installazione dando in seguenza i seguenti comandi :

./configure make make install (questo da root).

Per far si che il programma funzioni sarà oppurtuno risolvere le varie dipendenze che esso comporta. Sul sito

viene fornito un elenco delle eventuali dipendeze che riporto qui:

* Python 2.2 or higher
* pygtk 2.0.0 or higher
* libgtop2
* librsvg
* Gconf
* gnome-python 2.0.0 or higher
* GConf support for gnome-python (extra package gnome-python2-gconf on Redhat Linux)
* some sensors may have extra requirements

Tutti i vari pacchetti che eventualmente mancano si possono scaricare dal repository del sito .

A questo punto si avrà nel nostro sistema installato il demone che ci permette di installare e partire le varie applet.

Per farlo partire andiamo nel menù Applicazioni -->Accessori e clicchiamo sulla voce gDesklets. Avremo a video la gDesklets Shell.
Come installare le applet del desktop (aDesklets)

Il fratello minore aDesklets non ha la stessa popolarità e non ha lo stesso numero de desklets disponibili ma gode di una straordinaria leggerezza e bellezza grafica, oltre che della totale indispendenza del x-window manager (gnome, kde, fluxbox, xfce, ecc.)
L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.
Per installare il programma:

sudo apt-get install adesklets

dopo di che, digitate adesklets_installer, per far comparire una piccola interfaccia grafica, attraverso la quale potete installare le vostre adesklets. Una descrizione di esse potete trovarla sempre sul sito ufficiale.
All’avvio dell’installer potrebbe comparire un messaggio del genere :

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/adesklets_installer", line 631, in ? Con soldomik si risolve il problema. Basta infatti installare il pacchetto pythontk, con questo comando : comprensivo di librerie.
sudo apt-get install python-tk
browse desklets

15 pieces puzzle 15 pieces puzzle
Category:Fun & Amusements
15 pieces (also known as 16 pieces) is a puzzle game where you have to arrange pieces in order from 1-15 counting from top left corner to bottom right corner or piece together some image.

Baskerville Baskerville
A search tool that does Beagle queries.

Calendar Calendar
Category:Date & Time
A navigable calendar showing the entire month with the possibility to show events (public holidays ...).

Clock Clock
Authors:Legacy, georw
Category:Date & Time
A scalable and configurable clock for your desktop originally created by Martin Grimme.

This desklet was submitted by a legacy user. Once the real creator creates a user account and informs the webmasters the ownership will be transfered.

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

Countdown2 Countdown2
A simple count down time originally created by fast.

This desklet was submitted by a legacy user. Once the real creator creates a user account and informs the webmasters the ownership will be transfered.

deskletradar deskletradar
Using the Radar control, this display presents a single widow which can display the local, regional or national radar. If you have imagemagick installed, clicking on the radar will bring up a full size animation of the radar.

Desklets_Desklet Desklets_Desklet
Category:Toolbars & Launchers
A desklet that a bit mimics the outlook of the Dashboard Widgets Widget. Uses the Desklet-control and provides all the features that the control currently provides.

Fortune Fortune
Desklet that displays random fortune, requires fortune package and Fortune Control. Based on Quote of The Day

Genesis Genesis
Category:Toolbars & Launchers
The bar from which everything starts. Bug/quirk reports: please send me an email.

gFortunka gFortunka
A simple desklet that displays an adage on your desktop. It requires fortune package.

GoodWeather GoodWeather
Themeable weather and condition display by Konrad Rieck.

This desklet was submitted by a legacy user. Once the real creator creates a user account and informs the webmasters the ownership will be transfered.

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

GoodWeather 08 GoodWeather 08
Themeable weather and condition display by Konrad Rieck. With changes to the sensors script in regards to make it work as of today (05/12/08) with

GoodWeather-0.3 does not work since changed the method to get the weather data. This patch fix this issue. Also adds support to get the GoodWeather desklet to work if you are behind an authenticated http-proxy.

GW Countdown GW Countdown
Authors:Big Jim
countdown until Bush is out of office

New Clock New Clock
Category:Alarms & Alerts
Testing the submission of new desklets. New version submission seems b0rked at the moment.

NewsGrab NewsGrab
RSS reader originally created by Peter Quinn.

This desklet was submitted by a legacy user. Once the real creator creates a user account and informs the webmasters the ownership will be transfered.

Page Scraper Page Scraper
Searches a webpage for instances of a regular expression. Can display the expressions found (eg. screenshot shows headlines from and/or 'found' and 'not found' images or messages.

Picture Frame Picture Frame
Category:Fun & Amusements
Desklet which extracts all images from a group of files dragged onto it, and cycles through them. Has options to open image and open folder, and a few frame styles.

Quote of the Day Quote of the Day
Desklet that displays quote for each day. It is possible to choose from "Famous Quotes" or "Bible Verses" as a source database currently.

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

Reloj Reloj
Category:Date & Time
A clock desklet based on the MacSlow's cairo-clock appearance.

RSSboy RSSboy
A simple RSS-reader originally inspired by the game "Paperboy". Features a simple preview that is triggered when the mouse cursor is moved over a topic.

SideCandy PopMail SideCandy PopMail
Category:Internet & Email
The original SideCandy PopMail desklet, to check for e-mails using the well-known Post Office Protocol.

SideCandyWireless SideCandyWireless
Category:System Information
This Desklet presents data which provided of iwconfig. Iwconfig is included in the Wireless Tools for Linux

simple RSS simple RSS
Based on the scripts from the desklet "RSSBoy", but very simplifed. There is one message displayed and a ticker (in seconds) switches to the next message.


SlideShow SlideShow
Category:Fun & Amusements
Cycle through a collection of pictures. Will display image captions (IPTC,Jpeg Comment, EXIF) if available

Thumbnail Generator Thumbnail Generator
Extracts all images from a group of files dropped on the desklet, and generates thumbnails. Specify either an absolute path or a path relative to the original image(s) to the thumbnail folder(s). Options for filename prefix, dimensions and format.

upHosts upHosts
Category:System Information
Uses fping to check if predefined hosts are responding.

UrbanExplainer UrbanExplainer
Category:Dictionaries & Translation
Fetches explanations to words from and displays them.

WeeklyCalendar WeeklyCalendar
Category:Date & Time
A calendar capable of displaying your tasks for the week. Optional support for voo2do ( Bug/quirk reports: please send me an email.

Wireless Monitor Wireless Monitor
Category:System Information
Monitor Wireless Network Strength

WorldTime WorldTime
Category:Date & Time
A simple world time banner for your desktop with up to 6 location originally created by Travail101

This desklet was submitted by a legacy user. Once the real creator creates a user account and informs the webmasters the ownership will be transfered.

Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor
Category:System Information
The Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor is the most comprehensive Wi-Fi gadget available. Use it to search for Wi-Fi networks, verify Wi-Fi coverage, educate yourself about Wi-Fi, and more! The gadget uses a radar-like display to show available Wi-Fi networks and their range. The main gadget face provides details on your connection and adapter, including SSID, channel, signal strength, and IP/MAC addresses. A fly out window provides details on Wi-Fi networks, including security settings, signal strength, channels, and network types. Statistical counters are also provided. Supports multiple Wi-Fi adapters. For feedback, email: For a PDF guide, go to:

Leaderboard 728x90

xmms2-example xmms2-example
Category:Music & Audio
This is just a veeeeery simple but nice example display for the XMMS2 gDesklets-Control. You can use it as a beginning to write your own xmms2 daemon controlling desklet

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