Aggiornamenti di sicurezza importanti per Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope relativi a:
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is a meta package that will point to the latest firefox package in ubuntu. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
Install this firefox package too, if you want to be automatically upgraded to new major firefox versions in the future.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This package ships the Firefox branding bits. If you remove this package your user experience will become that of the abrowser.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is an extension to Firefox that allows it to use protocol handlers from Gnome-VFS, such as smb or sftp, and other Gnome integration features.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is a meta package that will always point to the latest gnome-support package for firefox. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future.
Versione 4.7.5-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* New upstream version: 4.7.5 (LP: #387745)
- see USN-810-2
* adjust patches to changed upstream code base
- update debian/patches/99_configure.patch
* threads,
* thread synchronisation,
* normal file I/O and network I/O,
* interval timing and calendar time,
* basic memory management (malloc and free),
* shared library linking.

* new upstream release RTM (NSS_3_12_3_1_RTM) (LP: #407549)
- see USN-810-1
* adjust patches to changed upstream code base
- update debian/patches/38_kbsd.patch
* needs nspr >= 4.7.4
- update debian/control
* update 85_security_load.patch to latest debian version
- update debian/patches/85_security_load.patch
* add new symbols for 3.12.3
- update debian/libnss3-1d.symbols
* LP: #388350 - nss 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 ftbfs in karmic - shlibsign crashes; we add
debian/libnss3-1d/usr/lib/nss to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the shlibsign invocation
used to sign libs in debian/rules
- update debian/rules
* append LD_LIBRARY_PATH to shlibsign invocation to make fakeroot builds happy
- update debian/rules
Versione 3.12.2+cbki.1.73-ubuntu1:
* new upstream tag NSS_3_12_2_WITH_CKBI_1_73_RTM fixing
- 718-1: override rogue md5-collision CA cert; see: mozilla bug 471715
This is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. It can support SSLv2 and
v4, TLS, PKCS #5, #7, #11, #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates and other security standards.
* New upstream release v1.9.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
XUL is Mozilla's XML based User Interface language that lets you build feature-rich cross platform applications. These applications are easily customized with alternative text, graphics and layout so that they can be readily branded or localized for various markets. Web developers already familiar with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) will learn XUL quickly and can start building applications right away. XPCOM is a cross platform component model. It has multiple language bindings and IDL descriptions so programmers can plug their custom functionality into the framework and connect it with other components.
* New upstream release v1.9.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is an extension to xulrunner-1.9 that allows XUL applications to use protocol handlers from Gnome-VFS, such as smb or sftp, and other Gnome integration features.

- Firefox
- Librerie nss
- Librerie nspr
- Xulrunner
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is a meta package that will point to the latest firefox package in ubuntu. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
Install this firefox package too, if you want to be automatically upgraded to new major firefox versions in the future.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This package ships the Firefox branding bits. If you remove this package your user experience will become that of the abrowser.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is an extension to Firefox that allows it to use protocol handlers from Gnome-VFS, such as smb or sftp, and other Gnome integration features.
Versione 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* security/stability v3.0.13 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is a meta package that will always point to the latest gnome-support package for firefox. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future.
Versione 4.7.5-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:
* New upstream version: 4.7.5 (LP: #387745)
- see USN-810-2
* adjust patches to changed upstream code base
- update debian/patches/99_configure.patch
* threads,
* thread synchronisation,
* normal file I/O and network I/O,
* interval timing and calendar time,
* basic memory management (malloc and free),
* shared library linking.
* new upstream release RTM (NSS_3_12_3_1_RTM) (LP: #407549)
- see USN-810-1
* adjust patches to changed upstream code base
- update debian/patches/38_kbsd.patch
* needs nspr >= 4.7.4
- update debian/control
* update 85_security_load.patch to latest debian version
- update debian/patches/85_security_load.patch
* add new symbols for 3.12.3
- update debian/libnss3-1d.symbols
* LP: #388350 - nss 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 ftbfs in karmic - shlibsign crashes; we add
debian/libnss3-1d/usr/lib/nss to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the shlibsign invocation
used to sign libs in debian/rules
- update debian/rules
* append LD_LIBRARY_PATH to shlibsign invocation to make fakeroot builds happy
- update debian/rules
Versione 3.12.2+cbki.1.73-ubuntu1:
* new upstream tag NSS_3_12_2_WITH_CKBI_1_73_RTM fixing
- 718-1: override rogue md5-collision CA cert; see: mozilla bug 471715
This is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. It can support SSLv2 and
v4, TLS, PKCS #5, #7, #11, #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates and other security standards.
* New upstream release v1.9.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
XUL is Mozilla's XML based User Interface language that lets you build feature-rich cross platform applications. These applications are easily customized with alternative text, graphics and layout so that they can be readily branded or localized for various markets. Web developers already familiar with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) will learn XUL quickly and can start building applications right away. XPCOM is a cross platform component model. It has multiple language bindings and IDL descriptions so programmers can plug their custom functionality into the framework and connect it with other components.
* New upstream release v1.9.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_13_RELEASE)
- see USN-811-1
This is an extension to xulrunner-1.9 that allows XUL applications to use protocol handlers from Gnome-VFS, such as smb or sftp, and other Gnome integration features.
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