Come al solito pubblicate da Canonical nel suo bollettino settimnale.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
Client libraries used by applications that access a PulseAudio sound server via PulseAudio's native interface. This package adds support for zeroconf (aka. Avahi, mdns) discovery of PulseAudio sinks and sources by client applications.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
Client libraries used by applications that access a PulseAudio sound server via PulseAudio's native interface. This package adds support for zeroconf (aka. Avahi, mdns) discovery of PulseAudio sinks and sources by client applications.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
This library provides core services to the PulseAudio daemon and modules the run inside the daemon.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
These are some of PulseAudio's features:
* High quality software mixing of multiple audio streams with support for
more than one sink/source. May be used to combine multiple sound cards
into one (with sample rate adjustment).
* Wide range of supported client libraries. ESD, ALSA, oss, libao and
GStreamer client applications are supported as-is. Native PulseAudio
plug-ins are also available for xmms and mplayer.
* Good low latency behaviour and very accurate latency measurement for
playback and recording. Ability to fully synchronize multiple playback
* Network transparency, allowing an application to play back or record
audio on a different machine than the one it is running on.
* Extensible plug-in architecture with plug-ins for jackd, multicast-rtp
lirc and avahi, just to name a few. This package contains the daemon and basic module set.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
This package contains the ESD compatibility components and enables a PulseAudio sound server to fully replace ESD.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
This module enables PulseAudio to store additional configuration in GConf. The module is called module-gconf.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
This module enables PulseAudio to publish itself as the default sound server to the X11 root window automatically upon startup. The is also a module to playback a sound file in place of the X11 bell beep. The modules are called module-x11-publish and module-x11-bell.
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
Versione 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20.2:
* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
- 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
performing a racey re-exec.
- CVE-2009-1894
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