Semplice come Winamp per Windows, minimale nelle funzioni, risulta comunque molto funzionale per chi è alla ricerca di un player veloce e leggero. è integrato il supporto ai principali codec audio ed è arricchito da un sistema di plug-in con il quale poter espanderne le funzionalità in moltissimi ambiti. Integra un equalizzatore ed è personalizzabile nelle Skin. Consigliato.
È un fork di Beep Media Player William "nenolod" Pitcock ha deciso di creare un fork di BMP dopo che il team originale di sviluppo ha annunciato di abbandonare lo sviluppo, per creare una versione futura, BMPx.
L'ultima versione rilasciata dal team sviluppatore è la 1.4.1
Ecco un elenco delle novità:

The following is a list of features in Audacious.
This only covers the default install. Many more features are implemented by third-party plugins.
Codec Support
- MP3
- Vorbis
- Wavpack
- Musepack
- 150 different module formats
- Several chiptune formats: AY, GBS, GYM, HES, KSS, NSF, NSFE, SAP, SPC, VGM, VGZ, VTX
- Playstation Audio: PSF1, MiniPSF1
- Ad-lib chiptunes via AdPlug library
- Microsoft ADPCM, RIFF .wav data, 18+ different other WAV formats provided by sndfile plugin.
- MIDI via native OS synthesizer control or TiMidity.
- CD Audio
Output system support
- OSS (most UNIXes, Linux)
- ALSA (Linux)
- 4.2BSD/SunOS audio system (Solaris)
- CoreAudio (MacOS)
- ESound support
- PulseAudio support
- JACK support
Transcoding support
- Vorbis
- MP3
Effect Processing
- Can function as a LADSPA host (as far as we know, we're the only player that can do this out of the box)
- Audio Compression plugin (AudioCompressor AGC) to keep volume normalized at a specific level
- Echo enhancing plugin
- Stereo separation plugin
- Voice Removal plugin
- Sound stretching plugin
- Paranormal Visualization Studio -- a plugin like AVS
- ProjectM -- a plugin like Milkdrop
- Blur Scope
- Spectrum Analyzer
- RockLight -- a stroboscope for Thinkpad and Macintosh lights
Extra Plugins
- Scrobbler Plugin -- a plugin that enables you to listen to Last.FM streams and submit tracks to Last.FM
- Song Change -- a plugin that executes scripts at the beginning, end of songs and the end of a playlist
- EvDev-Plug -- a plugin that allows you to control Audacious with a gamepad or joystick
- Status Icon -- a plugin that allows you to shrink Audacious down to the system tray
- Audacious OSD -- a plugin that announces songs for you
- Alarm -- a plugin that can schedule playback at a given time each day (like an Alarm Clock)
Streaming support
- MP3, Vorbis, FLAC, AAC, AAC+ via IceCast/ShoutCast
- Any format supported via normal HTTP
Audacious is compatible with Winamp 2.x or "Classic" skins, as well as XMMS skins. (They're basically the same thing.)
You can find Winamp-specific skins at:
You can find XMMS-specific skins at:
More skins can be found at:
These plugins are unsupported by the Audacious team and are provided exclusively for your convienience. Use them at your own risk.
There are many more plugins that are included with audacious-plugins itself. For details, see Features.
Input plugins
Meta-Input - Interfaces Audacious to other formats that support stdin/stdout piping
Author: Michael Doering
Website: http://mitglied.lycos.de/mldoering/audacious-plugins/
UADE - Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator
Author: UADE Team
Website: http://zakalwe.fi/uade/
DUMB - Audacious Input Plugin that supports the DUMB MODPlaying engine
Author: Christian Birchinger
Website: http://www.netswarm.net
MAC - Audacious Input Plugin that supports Monkey's Audio Codec
Author: Christian Birchinger
Website: http://www.netswarm.net
Future Composer - Audacious Input Plugin for Future Composer mods
Author: Michael Schwendt
Website: http://xmms-fc.sourceforge.net/
audacious-dvb - Listen to DVB radio in Audacious
Author: Marius Konitzer
Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/audacious-dvb/
XMP - A player for exotic formats
Author: Claudio Matsuoka and Hipolito Carraro Jr.
Website: http://xmp.sourceforge.net
Output plugins
XMMS-Crossfade - Crossfading output for XMMS and Audacious
Author: Peter Eisenlohr
Website: http://www.eisenlohr.org/xmms-crossfade/
LibAO Output - Allows audacious to use the system libao to output audio.
Author: Michael Doering
Website: http://mitglied.lycos.de/mldoering/audacious-plugins/
Effect plugins
EQ-Audacious - 31-band equalizer for Audacious based on EQ-XMMS.
Author: William Pitcock
Website: http://people.atheme.org/~nenolod/audacious/plugins/eq-audacious-0.8.tgz
Crystality - Attempts to improve sound output quality.
Author: Rafal Bosak
Website: http://mitglied.lycos.de/mldoering/audacious-plugins/
FreeVerb3 - High quality reverb plugin.
Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/freeverb3/
audacious-pzp - Pole-zero plot filter for Audacious
Author: if you know, tell us!
Website: https://audacious_pzp.bountysource.com/
Visualization plugins
Audacious projectM component -- Easy to install projectM support for Audacious
Author: William Pitcock
Website: Component:projectM (on site)
GOOM 2k4 -- GOOM 2k4 for Audacious
Author: William Pitcock
Website: http://carpathia.dereferenced.org/~nenolod/audacious
General plugins
Docklet - a docklet plugin for Audacious
Author: Peter Polonkai
Website: http://nedudu.hu/download.php?view.1
iTouch - Multimedia keyboard control plugin for Audacious
Author: Peter Polonkai
Website: http://nedudu.hu/download.php?view.2
iTouch Control - Another multimedia keyboard control plugin for Audacious
Author: Vladimir Paskov
Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/itouch-control
Global Hotkey Plugin - A fork of iTouch Control.
Author: Sascha Hlusiak
Website: http://saschahlusiak.de/linux/audacioushotkey.htm (included in Audacious 1.4)
Show - Audacious plugin for X-Chat 2
Author: Peter Polonkai
Website: http://nedudu.hu/download.php?view.3
Pipe - XMMS-Pipe compatibility plugin
Author: William Pitcock
Website: http://people.atheme.org/~nenolod/audacious/plugins/
xfce4-xmms-plugin - Control Audacious from the XFCE panel
Author: Patrick van Staveren, et al.
Website: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-xmms-plugin
LyricZilla - Lyrics displaying plugin
Author: lqs
Website: http://code.google.com/p/lyriczilla (in Chinese)
getlyrics - Lyrics displaying plugin
Author: Sukko
Website: http://code.google.com/p/getlyrics/
Other Plugin Repositories
- nenolod's Audacious 1.4 components page -- components for both the X11 and MacOS versions of Audacious, as well as many components that work on either.
Installazione in Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn e/o versioni anteriori: leggere questo post.
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