La settimana scorsa, per essere più preciso giovedì 6 Kubuntu ha rilasciato la versione KDE 4 Beta 2 ed ha reso disponibili i pacchetti per Gutsy Gibbon con tutti gli aggiornamenti per Feisty Fawn.
Ecco il contenuto delle news:
"The second beta release of KDE 4 has been released and packages are available for Kubuntu Gutsy. Packages for 7.04 are currently being compiled and will appear in feisty-backports soon.
They install to /usr/lib/kde4 and can be installed alongside your existing KDE 3.
The packages are in feisty-backports, available from Adept Manager when you choose Unsupported Updates from the Updates tab of Manage Repositories.
Packages are also in the Gutsy development version"
- Ensure feisty-backports is enabled or you are running gutsy.
- Install kdebase-workspace (this has changed since beta 1).
- These KDE 4 packages install to /usr/lib/kde4 so run:
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
- export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4
- export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
- export KDEHOME=~/.kde4
- Run some programmes. Plasma seems to work and will run over kdesktop happily. Good luck.
- To avoid having to start a second X server for a full session install xserver-xephyr and run Xephyr :1 & export DISPLAY=:1; xterm and run startkde in the Xerphyr xterm.
- To run it as a full session copy /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop, edit the Name entry in kde4.desktop to be called "KDE 4", put the four export lines at the top of /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde and start a new session in KDM with KDE 4."
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