Per quanto riguarda la prossima release di Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot possiamo notare come siano in programma tre versioni Alpha, due versioni Beta, e successivamente la Final Release prevista per il 13 Ottobre 2011.
Come si era già visto con Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal non ci sarà la Release Candidate ma una seconda beta che sarà rilasciata il 22 settembre dopo pochi giorni dalla beta 1 che vedrà la luce il 1 settembre.
Tra le novità:
Ecco tutte le date che accompagneranno il rilascio di Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot:

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Come si era già visto con Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal non ci sarà la Release Candidate ma una seconda beta che sarà rilasciata il 22 settembre dopo pochi giorni dalla beta 1 che vedrà la luce il 1 settembre.
Tra le novità:
- Unity migliorato.
- Gnome 3.
- LightDM al posto di GDM.
- Déjà Dup di Default.
Ecco tutte le date che accompagneranno il rilascio di Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot:
- Alpha 1 – 2 giugno 2011.
Kate Stewart has announced the availability of the first alpha release of Ubuntu 11.10, code name "Oneiric Ocelot": "Our Oneiric Ocelot (Ubuntu 11.10 alpha 1) is poking its young head out of the den, and looking for some developers and testers to play with. As with every new release, packages are being updated at a rapid pace. Many of these packages came from an automatic sync from Debian's unstable branch, others have been explicitly pulled in for 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. Some of the key packages making their first appearance with this alpha 1 release are: Linux Kernel 2.6.39 based on the latest mainline release candidate kernel at kernel milestone freeze kernel; the default compiler has been bumped from GCC 4.5 to GCC 4.6; NetworkManager 0.9.
For further information please refer to the release announcement and release notes.
Download (SHA256): oneiric-desktop-i386.iso (714MB, torrent), oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso (715MB, torrent). Alpha 1 images are also available for Kubuntu (download), Xubuntu (download) and Edubuntu (download).
- Alpha 2 – 30 giugno 2011.
Kate Stewart has announced the availability of the second alpha release of Ubuntu 11.10, code name "Oneiric Ocelot": "Welcome to Oneiric Ocelot alpha 2, which will in time become Ubuntu 11.10. Alpha 2 is the second in a series of milestone images that will be released throughout the Oneiric development cycle. New packages showing up for the first time include: Linux Kernel 3.0-rc5, GCC 4.6.1 compiler, Firefox 5.0, Thunderbird 5.0, a Mesa 7.11 snapshot. Alpha 2 ships GNOME 3.0, with some parts already upgraded to the 3.1.2 alpha releases. Unity, the theme, and Ayatana scrollbars were updated for GTK+/GNOME 3.
See the release announcement and release notes for full details about this alpha build.
Download (SHA256): oneiric-desktop-i386.isotorrent), oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso (709MB, torrent). Xubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 (download) and Edubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 (download) can be obtained from usual locations, but Kubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 images will not be available. (714MB,
- Alpha 3 – 4 agosto 2011
Kate Stewart has announced the availability of the third alpha release of Ubuntu 11.10, code name "Oneiric Ocelot". This release comes with the new Linux kernel 3.0, while Lubuntu (an Ubuntu variant featuring the LXDE desktop) becomes an official member of the Ubuntu family. From the release notes: "Alpha 3 includes the 3.0.0-7.9 Ubuntu kernel which is based on the mainline 3.0 kernel. Some of the most notable changes between the alpha 2 and alpha 3 release with respect to the kernel include: adopted a 3 digit kernel version, e.g. 3.0.0-x.y; re-base to upstream 3.0 final kernel; enable Overlayfs; enable Realtek RTL8192CU and RTL8188CU WiFi driver; enable support for rt53xx wireless chipset family...."
See also the release announcement.
Download (SHA256): oneiric-desktop-i386.iso (712MB, torrent), oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso (709MB, torrent). Also made available today were 11.10 alpha 3 releases for Kubuntu (download, release notes), Edubuntu (download), Lubuntu (download) and Mythbuntu (download).
- Beta 1 – 1 settembre 2011
Kate Stewart has announced the availability of the first beta release of Ubuntu 11.10, code name "Oneiric Ocelot": "The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 1. Some of the new features now available are: DVD images have been revised into extended desktop images with additional language support and a few extra applications, and thereby reduced to a more manageable size of around 1.5 GB. 'Lenses' (formerly 'Places') now integrate multiple sources and advanced filtering like ratings, range, categories. Thunderbird is included as default email client including menu and launcher integration."
Read the release announcement and release notes for more detailed information and known issues.
Download (SHA256): ubuntu-11.10-beta1-desktop-i386.iso (699MB, torrent), ubuntu-11.10-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso (691MB, torrent). Beta 1 CD/DVD images for Kubuntu (download, release notes), Xubuntu (download), Lubuntu (download), Ubuntu Studio (download), Edubuntu (download) and Mythbuntu (download) are also available.

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