Como sappiamo da Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope in poi questi aggiornamenti con buon criterio sono rilasciati con una cadenza settimanale da Canonical.
Specificamente gli aggiornamenti riguardano il Language Pack per Firefox completo in tutte le sue versione, il popolare browser targato Mozilla e Unity app menù nella sua integrazione con Firefox ed il supporto per Gnome tra i più importanti.
L’annuncio era tanto atteso per le grosse novità che dovrebbe portare questo rilascio, a partire da Unity come desktop environment.
Il desktop Gnome è presente come Ubuntu Classic Session.
Un interessante confronto fra Natty con Unity e Maverick è presente sul blog di Rick Spancer, Director of Ubuntu Engineering.
Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla.
Firefox delivers safe, easy web browsing. A familiar user interface, enhanced security features including protection from online identity theft, and integrated search let you get the most out of the web.Cambiamenti per le versioni:4.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0. 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.2:* fix LP: #800857 - language packs pull in Firefox on upgrade- update debian/control.langpacks- update debian/controlVersione 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1:* New upstream release from the stable channel (FIREFOX_5_0_BUILD1)- see LP: #798484 for USN information* Update globalmenu-extension to 1.0.6* Switch to mozilla-beta- update debian/mozclient/firefox.conf* Drop the ability to build with an external xulrunner, and all the packagingcomplexity which went with it- update debian/apport/firefox.in- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/firefox.lintian-overrides.in- update debian/firefox.sh.in- update debian/mozconfig.in- update debian/rules* Build language packs directly from the firefox source+ Fixes LP: #294187 - Firefox Locales should install locale specificsearch plugins+ Rip out the bits to create a en-US.xpi- update debian/rules- remove debian/translation-support/install.rdf.in+ Include compare-locales FIREFOX_5_0b1_BUILD1 fromhttp://hg.mozilla.org/build/compare-locales. It's needed for mergingen-US strings with incomplete locales+ Pull l10n data in to tarball from bzr- update debian/mozclient/firefox.conf+ Configure build for creating language packs by configuring with"--with-l10n-base="- update debian/mozconfig.in+ Store the list of locales to ship, and provide a way of automaticallygenerating that list and the control file entries from the upstreamsource. Also provide a way to blacklist languages. We map languagesto package names using langpack-o-matic (and also get descriptionsfrom there too)- update debian/rules- add debian/locales-supported- add debian/control.langpacks- update debian/control- add debian/locale-blacklist- add debian/refresh-supported-locales.pl+ Add common-build-indep hook to build the translation xpi's- update debian/rules+ Add common-binary-post-install-indep to install the xpi's andsearchplugins in to the correct debian packages- update debian/rules- add debian/get-xpi-id.py+ When rebuilding debian/control in the clean target, fail the buildif the control file was out-of-date. This ensures that we don'taccidentally drop language packs, and forces me to maintain anup-to-date control file in bzr- update debian/rules+ Apply vendor patches to localized searchplugins too- update debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-amazon.patch- add debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-baidu.patch- update debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-google.patch* Ditch all the version-number based branding selection. Do this allpurely on the channel name now- remove debian/firefox-beta.desktop.in- remove debian/firefox-nightly.desktop.in- remove debian/firefox-unofficial.desktop.in- rename debian/firefox-final.desktop.in => debian/firefox.desktop.in- update debian/firefox.desktop.in- update debian/rules- update debian/firefox.sh.in* Drop the DEB_ENABLE_IPC option, now that IPC is mandatory- update debian/rules- update debian/apport/firefox.in- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/mozconfig.in* Add some missing options to the manpage- update debian/firefox.1.in* Ensure we set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running "firefox -h"- update debian/firefox.sh.in* Drop patches merged upstream:- 64-bit-be-fix.patch* Refresh patches:- mozilla-kde.patch* Ship channel-prefs.js. We used to ship this in Firefox 3.6, and it'srequired by Test Pilot now- update debian/firefox.install.in* Backport patch from mozilla-central to fix powerpc build failure- add debian/patches/powerpc-build-fix.patch- update debian/patches/series* Support storing language descriptions in locales.unavailable. Thiswill be useful for translations which disappear temporarily- update debian/rules- update debian/refresh-supported-locales.pl* Add languages that are currently dropped in FF5 (compared with FF4) tolocales.unavailable. Having transitional packages now will maketransitioning easier later on if they come back- update debian/locales.unavailable* Refresh debian/control to pick up transitional packages* Don't bundle our vendor preferences in the omni.jar. This needs a distropatch and it turns out that Firefox does still read prefs from$LIBDIR/defaults/pref, so just install it there instead- update debian/rules- update debian/firefox.install.in- remove debian/patches/install-vendor-prefs.patch- update debian/patches/series* Add a global pref file again (/etc/firefox/syspref.js) and add thenecessary preinst/postinst magic to move the old file there if itwas previously customized- add debian/syspref.js- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/firefox.links.in- update debian/firefox.postinst.in- update debian/firefox.preinst.in* Ensure "Depends: ${misc:Depends}" is added to all transitionallanguage packs- update debian/control.langpacks.unavail- refresh debian/control* Ship testpilot on aurora too- update debian/firefox.install.in* Set the right Vcs-Bzr URL- update debian/control.in- refresh debian/control* Update list of language packs to include new ones added upstream- refresh debian/locales.shipped and debian/locals.unavailable
refresh debian/control
Unity appmenu integration for Firefox.This package provides an extension which adds support for the Unity appmenu to Firefox
Cambiamenti per le versioni:4.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0. 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.2:* fix LP: #800857 - language packs pull in Firefox on upgrade- update debian/control.langpacks- update debian/controlVersione 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1:* New upstream release from the stable channel (FIREFOX_5_0_BUILD1)- see LP: #798484 for USN information* Update globalmenu-extension to 1.0.6* Switch to mozilla-beta- update debian/mozclient/firefox.conf* Drop the ability to build with an external xulrunner, and all the packagingcomplexity which went with it- update debian/apport/firefox.in- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/firefox.lintian-overrides.in- update debian/firefox.sh.in- update debian/mozconfig.in- update debian/rules* Build language packs directly from the firefox source+ Fixes LP: #294187 - Firefox Locales should install locale specificsearch plugins+ Rip out the bits to create a en-US.xpi- update debian/rules- remove debian/translation-support/install.rdf.in+ Include compare-locales FIREFOX_5_0b1_BUILD1 fromhttp://hg.mozilla.org/build/compare-locales. It's needed for mergingen-US strings with incomplete locales+ Pull l10n data in to tarball from bzr- update debian/mozclient/firefox.conf+ Configure build for creating language packs by configuring with"--with-l10n-base="- update debian/mozconfig.in+ Store the list of locales to ship, and provide a way of automaticallygenerating that list and the control file entries from the upstreamsource. Also provide a way to blacklist languages. We map languagesto package names using langpack-o-matic (and also get descriptionsfrom there too)- update debian/rules- add debian/locales-supported- add debian/control.langpacks- update debian/control- add debian/locale-blacklist- add debian/refresh-supported-locales.pl+ Add common-build-indep hook to build the translation xpi's- update debian/rules+ Add common-binary-post-install-indep to install the xpi's andsearchplugins in to the correct debian packages- update debian/rules- add debian/get-xpi-id.py+ When rebuilding debian/control in the clean target, fail the buildif the control file was out-of-date. This ensures that we don'taccidentally drop language packs, and forces me to maintain anup-to-date control file in bzr- update debian/rules+ Apply vendor patches to localized searchplugins too- update debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-amazon.patch- add debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-baidu.patch- update debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-google.patch* Ditch all the version-number based branding selection. Do this allpurely on the channel name now- remove debian/firefox-beta.desktop.in- remove debian/firefox-nightly.desktop.in- remove debian/firefox-unofficial.desktop.in- rename debian/firefox-final.desktop.in => debian/firefox.desktop.in- update debian/firefox.desktop.in- update debian/rules- update debian/firefox.sh.in* Drop the DEB_ENABLE_IPC option, now that IPC is mandatory- update debian/rules- update debian/apport/firefox.in- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/mozconfig.in* Add some missing options to the manpage- update debian/firefox.1.in* Ensure we set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running "firefox -h"- update debian/firefox.sh.in* Drop patches merged upstream:- 64-bit-be-fix.patch* Refresh patches:- mozilla-kde.patch* Ship channel-prefs.js. We used to ship this in Firefox 3.6, and it'srequired by Test Pilot now- update debian/firefox.install.in* Backport patch from mozilla-central to fix powerpc build failure- add debian/patches/powerpc-build-fix.patch- update debian/patches/series* Support storing language descriptions in locales.unavailable. Thiswill be useful for translations which disappear temporarily- update debian/rules- update debian/refresh-supported-locales.pl* Add languages that are currently dropped in FF5 (compared with FF4) tolocales.unavailable. Having transitional packages now will maketransitioning easier later on if they come back- update debian/locales.unavailable* Refresh debian/control to pick up transitional packages* Don't bundle our vendor preferences in the omni.jar. This needs a distropatch and it turns out that Firefox does still read prefs from$LIBDIR/defaults/pref, so just install it there instead- update debian/rules- update debian/firefox.install.in- remove debian/patches/install-vendor-prefs.patch- update debian/patches/series* Add a global pref file again (/etc/firefox/syspref.js) and add thenecessary preinst/postinst magic to move the old file there if itwas previously customized- add debian/syspref.js- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/firefox.links.in- update debian/firefox.postinst.in- update debian/firefox.preinst.in* Ensure "Depends: ${misc:Depends}" is added to all transitionallanguage packs- update debian/control.langpacks.unavail- refresh debian/control* Ship testpilot on aurora too- update debian/firefox.install.in* Set the right Vcs-Bzr URL- update debian/control.in- refresh debian/control* Update list of language packs to include new ones added upstream- refresh debian/locales.shipped and debian/locals.unavailable
refresh debian/control
Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla GNOME supportCambiamenti per le versioni:4.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0. 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.2:* fix LP: #800857 - language packs pull in Firefox on upgrade- update debian/control.langpacks- update debian/controlVersione 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1:* New upstream release from the stable channel (FIREFOX_5_0_BUILD1)- see LP: #798484 for USN information* Update globalmenu-extension to 1.0.6* Switch to mozilla-beta- update debian/mozclient/firefox.conf* Drop the ability to build with an external xulrunner, and all the packagingcomplexity which went with it- update debian/apport/firefox.in- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/firefox.lintian-overrides.in- update debian/firefox.sh.in- update debian/mozconfig.in- update debian/rules* Build language packs directly from the firefox source+ Fixes LP: #294187 - Firefox Locales should install locale specificsearch plugins+ Rip out the bits to create a en-US.xpi- update debian/rules- remove debian/translation-support/install.rdf.in+ Include compare-locales FIREFOX_5_0b1_BUILD1 fromhttp://hg.mozilla.org/build/compare-locales. It's needed for mergingen-US strings with incomplete locales+ Pull l10n data in to tarball from bzr- update debian/mozclient/firefox.conf+ Configure build for creating language packs by configuring with"--with-l10n-base="- update debian/mozconfig.in+ Store the list of locales to ship, and provide a way of automaticallygenerating that list and the control file entries from the upstreamsource. Also provide a way to blacklist languages. We map languagesto package names using langpack-o-matic (and also get descriptionsfrom there too)- update debian/rules- add debian/locales-supported- add debian/control.langpacks- update debian/control- add debian/locale-blacklist- add debian/refresh-supported-locales.pl+ Add common-build-indep hook to build the translation xpi's- update debian/rules+ Add common-binary-post-install-indep to install the xpi's andsearchplugins in to the correct debian packages- update debian/rules- add debian/get-xpi-id.py+ When rebuilding debian/control in the clean target, fail the buildif the control file was out-of-date. This ensures that we don'taccidentally drop language packs, and forces me to maintain anup-to-date control file in bzr- update debian/rules+ Apply vendor patches to localized searchplugins too- update debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-amazon.patch- add debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-baidu.patch- update debian/patches/ubuntu-codes-google.patch* Ditch all the version-number based branding selection. Do this allpurely on the channel name now- remove debian/firefox-beta.desktop.in- remove debian/firefox-nightly.desktop.in- remove debian/firefox-unofficial.desktop.in- rename debian/firefox-final.desktop.in => debian/firefox.desktop.in- update debian/firefox.desktop.in- update debian/rules- update debian/firefox.sh.in* Drop the DEB_ENABLE_IPC option, now that IPC is mandatory- update debian/rules- update debian/apport/firefox.in- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/mozconfig.in* Add some missing options to the manpage- update debian/firefox.1.in* Ensure we set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running "firefox -h"- update debian/firefox.sh.in* Drop patches merged upstream:- 64-bit-be-fix.patch* Refresh patches:- mozilla-kde.patch* Ship channel-prefs.js. We used to ship this in Firefox 3.6, and it'srequired by Test Pilot now- update debian/firefox.install.in* Backport patch from mozilla-central to fix powerpc build failure- add debian/patches/powerpc-build-fix.patch- update debian/patches/series* Support storing language descriptions in locales.unavailable. Thiswill be useful for translations which disappear temporarily- update debian/rules- update debian/refresh-supported-locales.pl* Add languages that are currently dropped in FF5 (compared with FF4) tolocales.unavailable. Having transitional packages now will maketransitioning easier later on if they come back- update debian/locales.unavailable* Refresh debian/control to pick up transitional packages* Don't bundle our vendor preferences in the omni.jar. This needs a distropatch and it turns out that Firefox does still read prefs from$LIBDIR/defaults/pref, so just install it there instead- update debian/rules- update debian/firefox.install.in- remove debian/patches/install-vendor-prefs.patch- update debian/patches/series* Add a global pref file again (/etc/firefox/syspref.js) and add thenecessary preinst/postinst magic to move the old file there if itwas previously customized- add debian/syspref.js- update debian/firefox.install.in- update debian/firefox.links.in- update debian/firefox.postinst.in- update debian/firefox.preinst.in* Ensure "Depends: ${misc:Depends}" is added to all transitionallanguage packs- update debian/control.langpacks.unavail- refresh debian/control* Ship testpilot on aurora too- update debian/firefox.install.in* Set the right Vcs-Bzr URL- update debian/control.in- refresh debian/control* Update list of language packs to include new ones added upstream- refresh debian/locales.shipped and debian/locals.unavailable
- refresh debian/control

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