giovedì 26 febbraio 2009

Software Packages in Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex", Categoria Utility, seconda parte.

Maria Susana Diaz | 10:11 |
Tutte le utility che potete immaginare nella nuova release di Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex in questa recensione. Dall'A alla Zeta.

Tutti i software packages con un breve commento.

Programmi per la manipolazione dei dischi, per fare backup ed amministrare gli archivi, per monitorare il sistema, input systems e tante altre cose.

In questa seconda puntata tutto il software, in ordinae alfabetico dalla B all'E: da Broadcom 43xx firmware a Extract.

Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware.


ottofit@muletto:~$ lspci -v| grep -i broadcom

00:06.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)
Subsystem: Broadcom Corporation Unknown device 0418
ottofit@muletto:~$ dmesg | grep -i20 broadcom

Problema: A differenza di Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon, dove tale scheda wireless Broadcom 43xx veniva rilevata e “Restricted Drivers” proponeva l’installazione del firmware proprietario al fine di attivarla, in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron non appaiono indizi evidenti su come procedere per utilizzarla.

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina

b5i2iso BlindWrite image to ISO image file converter

Purtroppo oggi giorno ci troviamo di fronte spesso immagini di cd/dvd che non usato il filesystem stardard ISO, appunto con estensione .iso ma, per facilitare la vita al popolo delle finestre crashanti, ogni programma proprietario si è inventato un suo formato, giusto per complicare un po le cose, e cercare di "affiliare" gli utenti al proprio marchio, continuando così ad usare quel determinato programma per leggere quelle immagini.

Guarda caso, però, tra i programmi più diffusi su piattaforma windows spiccano proprio i "lettori di immagini cd/dvd multiformato", primo tra tutti Daemon Tools, o Alcohol 120%. Al di la dell'aggiramento delle protezioni anticopia che offrono questi programmi, è comodo poter usare vari tipi di immagine.
Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
Bacula utility per eseguire backup, ripristinarli e verificare i dati attraverso la rete

Bacula è un programma di backup che consente di eseguire backup, ripristinarli e verificare i dati attraverso la rete. Sono disponibili client per Linux, Windows e Mac OSX, rendendolo una soluzione di rete multi-piattaforma.

Bacula è composto da diversi componenti e servizi usati per la gestione dei file di cui eseguire il backup e dove eseguirlo:

  • Bacula Director: un servizio che controlla tutte le operazioni di backup, ripristino, verifica e di archiviazione.

  • Bacula Console: un'applicazione che consente di comunicare con "Director". Sono disponibili tre versioni:

    • Versione testuale per la riga di comando.

    • Versione grafica per GNOME basata su GTK+.

    • Interfaccia wxWidgets.

  • Bacula File: conosciuta anche come Bacula Client. Questa applicazione è installata nei computer di cui deve essere fatto il backup ed è responsabile dei dati richiesti dal Director.

  • Bacula Storage: il programma che esegue l'archiviazione e il ripristino sul dispositivo fisico.

  • Bacula Catalog: responsabile per mantenere l'indice dei file e il database di tutti i file, consentendo una facile localizzazione e ripristino. "Catalog" supporta tre diversi database: MySQL, PostgreSQL e SQLite.

  • Bacula Monitor: consente di monitorare i demoni "Director", "File" e "Storage". Attualmente "Monitor" è disponibile solo come applicazione GTK+.

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
bash-builtins (3.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Bash loadable builtins - headers & examples
bcrypt (1.1-5) [universe]
Cross platform file encryption utility using blowfish
bdf2psf (1.25ubuntu3)
Font converter to generate console fonts from BDF source fonts
beid-tools (2.6.0-4) [universe]
SmartCard utilities from the OpenSC project, compiled against libbeidlibopensc
beidgui (2.6.0-4) [universe]
application to read out information from the Belgian electronic ID card
bfbtester (2.0.1-7.1) [universe]
Brute Force Binary Tester
bfr (1.6-2) [universe]
nonblocking 8-bit-clean pipe buffer
bindfs (1.8-1) [universe]
mirrors or overlays a local directory with altered permissions
binfmtc (0.15-1) [universe]
Execute C program as script
binstats (1.08-8) [universe]
Statistics tool for installed programs
bitcollider (0.6.0-1) [universe]
collects bitprint and other information from files for
bitcollider-plugins (0.6.0-1) [universe]
bitcollider plugins
blinkd (0.4.8-0.1) [universe]
Blinks keyboard LEDs e.g. for answering machine or fax
blktrace (0.99.3+git-20080213182518-1) [universe]
utilities for block layer IO tracing
blueproximity (1.2.5-3) [universe]
locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device
bogl-bterm (0.1.18-2) [universe]
Ben's Own Graphics Library - graphical terminal
bogosort (0.4.2-2) [universe]
sorts or doesn't sort files or standard input
bonnie++ (1.03uc+nmu1ubuntu1)
Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.
bookmark-merge (0.9-2) [universe]
Merge bookmarks from Mozilla, Netscape and IE
bootcd (3.11ubuntu1) [universe]
run your system from cd without need for disks
bootcd-backup (3.11ubuntu1) [universe]
tools to backup a Debian or alien Linux installation
bootcd-hppa (3.11ubuntu1) [universe]
bootcd extension to create images that can boot on parisc/hppa
bootcd-i386 (3.11ubuntu1) [universe]
bootcd extension to create images that can boot on i386
bootcd-ia64 (3.11ubuntu1) [universe]
bootcd extension to create images that can boot on ia64
bootcd-mkinitramfs (3.11ubuntu1) [universe]
initramfs extension for bootcd
boxbackup-client (0.11~rc2-3.1) [universe]
client for the BoxBackup remote backup system
boxbackup-server (0.11~rc2-3.1) [universe]
server for the BoxBackup remote backup system
bsc (2.27-4) [universe]
graphical file manager with two panels
bsdcpio (2.4.17-2) [universe]
cpio(1) from FreeBSD, using libarchive
bsdiff (4.3-6) [universe]
generate/apply a patch between two binary files
bsdmainutils (6.1.10ubuntu2)
collection of more utilities from FreeBSD
bsdtar (2.4.17-2) [universe]
tar(1) from FreeBSD, using libarchive
buffer (1.19-10) [universe]
Buffering/reblocking program for tape backups, printing, etc.
bughelper (0.2.16) [universe]
bugsquad's utility for Launchpad
busybox (1:1.10.2-1ubuntu6) [universe]
Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems
bzip2 (1.0.5-0.1ubuntu1)
high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities

cabextract (1.2-3) [universe]
a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files
caca-utils (0.99.beta13b-5) [universe]
text mode graphics utilities
calamaris ( [universe]
log analyzer for Squid or Oops proxy log files
calcoo (1.3.18-1) [universe]
Scientific calculator (GTK+)
calcurse (2.1-1) [universe]
text-based calendar and todo manager
canna (3.7p3-6) [universe]
Japanese input system (server and dictionary)
canna-shion (0.0.20010204-8) [universe]
supporting dictionaries for Canna
canna-utils (3.7p3-6) [universe]
Japanese input system (utility)
capseo (0.3.0+svn20070725-0ubuntu1) [universe]
video codec (binary files)
casu (3.3.3-5) [universe]
Communication and Status Utilities
catfish (0.3-2) [universe]
file search tool that support several different engines
cbm (0.1-1.1) [universe]
display the current network traffic in colors
ccal (3.5-7) [universe]
Colorised calendar utility
ccrypt (1.7-11) [universe]
secure encryption and decryption of files and streams
ccze (0.2.1-2) [universe]
A robust, modular log coloriser
cd5 (0.1-1) [universe]
Compute checksum of individual track on CD-ROMS
cdargs (1.35-3) [universe]
bookmarks and browsing for the cd command
cdck (0.7.0-2) [universe]
verifies the quality of written CDs/DVDs
cdebconf (0.131ubuntu1)
Debian Configuration Management System (C-implementation)
cdi2iso (0.1-0ubuntu1) [universe]
DiscJuggler image to ISO image file converter
cdrw-taper (0.4-2.1) [universe]
taper replacement for amanda to support backups to CD-RW or DVD+RW
cereal (0.22-1) [universe]
automated, logged serial terminal management system
cfs (1.4.1-20) [universe]
Cryptographic Filesystem
cfv (1.18.2-1) [universe]
versatile file checksum creator and verifier
changetrack (4.3-3) [universe]
configuration-file change tracker
chaplin (1.10-0.1) [multiverse]
DVD chapter extractor
chase (0.5.2-3) [universe]
Follow a symlink and print out its target file
chdrv (1.0.13p-3.2) [universe]
Chinese terminal for the Linux console
chdrvfont (1.0-6) [universe]
Kuo Chiao 16x16 font for CHDRV Chinese console terminal
checkpolicy (2.0.16-1ubuntu1) [universe]
SELinux policy compiler
chiark-backup (4.1.24) [universe]
backup system for small systems and networks
chiark-rwbuffer (4.1.24) [universe]
readbuffer/writebuffer: prevents tape drive seesawing, etc.
chiark-utils-bin (4.1.24) [universe]
chiark system administration utilities
chinput (3.0.2-19ubuntu2) [universe]
Chinese XIM Input Server
chrpath (0.13-2)
Tool to edit the rpath in ELF binaries
ciso (1.0.0-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Tool to convert Sony PSP iso to ciso
clamassassin (1.2.4-1) [universe]
email virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
ClamAV uno dei più interessanti progetti OpenSource per lo scanning di virus

Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV), è un antivirus open source molto diffuso per sistemi operativi derivati da Unix. Ne esistono anche delle versioni per Microsoft Windows e Mac OS X, denominate rispettivamente ClamWin e ClamXav.

Il programma dispone di una funzionalità che permette di aggiornare automaticamente la lista dei virus conosciuti tramite Internet.

Ultima versione stabile: 0.95.3 del 14/05/2009

Caratteristiche principali

* scansionatore a riga di comando
* servizio veloce, di tipo multi-thread
* interfaccia milter per sendmail
* aggiornamento del database con supporto alle firme digitali
* libreria di scansione in linguaggio C
* scansione all’accesso (Linux® e FreeBSD®)
* il database dei virus viene aggiornato anche più volte in un giorno
* (vedere la pagina principale del sito per il numero totale di virus)
* supporto incorporato per RAR (2.0), Zip, Gzip, Bzip2, Tar, MS OLE2,
* file MS CAB, MS CHM (HTML compresso), MS SZDD
* supporto incorporato per mbox, Maildir e file di posta grezzi
* supporto incorporato per i file Portable Executable compressi con UPX, UPX, FSG e Petite

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
clamfs (0.9.1-3) [universe]
An user-space anti-virus protected file system
clamtk (3.11-1) [universe]
graphical front-end for ClamAV
classpath-tools (0.0.20020812-1) [universe]
Free 'javah', 'javap', 'serialver' equivalents
cle (0.4-7) [universe]
Wrap any command-line driven tool with readline
clive (0.4.19-1) [universe]
Video extraction utility for YouTube, Google Video and other video sites
cmml-tools (0.9.3-1) [universe]
Continuous Media Markup Language document handling tools
collectd (4.4.1-1ubuntu1) [universe]
statistics collection and monitoring daemon
collectd-dev (4.4.1-1ubuntu1) [universe]
statistics collection and monitoring daemon (development files)
conky (1.6.1-0ubuntu3) [universe]
highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo
console-common (0.7.77) [universe]
basic infrastructure for text console configuration
console-data (2:1.07-4) [universe]
keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tools
console-setup (1.25ubuntu3)
Set up the font and the keyboard on the console
console-setup-mini (1.25ubuntu3) [universe]
An experimental micro version of console-setup package
console-terminus (4.26-1)
Fixed-width fonts for fast reading on the Linux console
console-tools (1:0.2.3dbs-65.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Linux console and font utilities
convlit (1.8-1) [universe]
convert Microsoft Reader .LIT files to HTML
convmv (1.12-1) [universe]
filename encoding conversion tool
copyfs (1.0.1-3) [universe]
Versioning filesystem for FUSE
cortado (0.2.2-2) [universe]
streaming applet for Ogg formats
countrycodes (1.0.5-2ubuntu1) [universe]
ISO 3166 country code finder
cournol (0.5-1) [universe]
Analyze absolute supply monopolies and polypolies
cowdancer (0.47) [universe]
Copy-on-write directory tree utility.
cpdvd (1.10-0.0) [multiverse]
transfer a DVD title to your harddisk
cpio (2.9-13ubuntu2)
GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files
cpipe (3.0.1-1) [universe]
counting pipe
cpufrequtils (002-7.2) [universe]
utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature
cpvts (1.2-0.0) [multiverse]
raw copy title sets from a DVD to your harddisc
cramfsprogs (1.1-6build1)
Tools for CramFs (Compressed ROM File System)
cramfsswap (1.4.1) [universe]
swap endianess of a cram filesystem (cramfs)
crank (0.1.4-4build1) [universe]
A classical CRypto ANalysis toolKit
crash (4.0-6.3-1ubuntu2)
kernel debugging utility, allowing gdb like syntax
cryopid ( [universe]
Dumps a process into a self-executing file
csstidy (1.4-3) [universe]
CSS parser and optimiser
cstream (2.7.4-3) [universe]
general-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd
csvtool (1.1.6-3build1) [universe]
A handy command line tool for handling CSV files
cue2toc (0.4-5) [universe]
converts CUE files to cdrdao's TOC format
cuetools (1.3.1-4ubuntu1) [universe]
tools for manipulating CUE/TOC files
curlftpfs (0.9.2-1) [universe]
filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL
cvs-mailcommit (1.19-2) [universe]
Send CVS commitments via mail
cvs-syncmail (2.3-1) [universe]
Notification program for CVS checkins
cycle (0.3.1-7) [universe]
calendar program for women
d-shlibs (0.38)
Debian shared library package building helper scripts
dact (0.8.41-4) [universe]
Multi-algorithm compression
daemon (0.6.3-1) [universe]
turns other processes into daemons
dar (2.3.8-1) [universe]
Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
dar-static (2.3.8-1) [universe]
Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
dares (0.6.5-3) [universe]
rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs (ncurses-interface)
dares-qt (0.6.5-3) [universe]
rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs (Qt-interface)
datafreedom-qsfxsl (0.1.7-1) [universe]
convert PIM data between applications with XSL
datakiosk (0.7-0ubuntu4) [universe]
juK-like database interface tool for generic SQL databases
datapacker (1.0.0) [universe]
Tool to pack files into minimum number of CDs/DVDs/etc
davfs2 (1.3.3-1ubuntu1) [universe]
mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
db4.2-util (4.2.52+dfsg-4) [universe]
Berkeley v4.2 Database Utilities
db4.3-util (4.3.29-11ubuntu1) [universe]
Berkeley v4.3 Database Utilities
db4.4-util (4.4.20-11) [universe]
Berkeley v4.4 Database Utilities
db4.5-util (4.5.20-12) [universe]
Berkeley v4.5 Database Utilities
db4.6-util (4.6.21-10)
Berkeley v4.6 Database Utilities
db4.7-util (4.7.25-3) [universe]
Berkeley v4.7 Database Utilities
dbench (3.04-2) [universe]
The dbench (disk) and tbench (TCP) benchmarks
dbskkd-cdb (1:1.01-21) [universe]
SKK dictionary server using cdb for faster access
dctrl-tools (2.12ubuntu1)
Command-line tools to process Debian package information
dctrl2xml (0.13) [universe]
Debian control data to XML converter
ddccontrol (0.4.2-5ubuntu1) [universe]
a program to control monitor parameters
ddccontrol-db (20061014-2) [universe]
monitor database for ddccontrol
ddrescue (1.13-3) [universe]
copies data from one file or block device to another
dds2tar (2.5.2-4) [universe]
Tools for using DDS features of DAT drives with GNU tar
ddskk (13.1-2) [universe]
efficient Japanese input system for emacsen
deb-gview (0.2.2) [universe]
GNOME viewer for .deb package files and contents
debget (1.6) [universe]
download/compile source and binary Debian packages
debian-el (29.3-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Emacs helpers specific to Debian users
debian-goodies (0.40)
Small toolbox-style utilities for Debian systems
deco (3.9-3) [universe]
Demos Commander
detox (1.2.0-1) [universe]
utility to replace problematic characters in filenames
devede (3.11-0ubuntu1) [multiverse]
program to create video DVDs
devio (1.2-1) [universe]
correctly read (or write) a region of a block device
devtodo (0.1.20-2) [universe]
hierarchical, prioritised todo list manager
dfo (0.7+svn45-4) [universe]
Desktop Flickr Organizer for GNOME
dfsbuild ( [universe]
Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images
di (4.13.dfsg.1-1) [universe]
advanced df like disk information utility
dictconv (0.2-7) [universe]
convert a dictionary file type in another dictionary file type
dictfmt (1.10.11.dfsg-2ubuntu2)
Utility to format a file for use by the dictd server
diff-ext (0.2.3-3ubuntu1) [universe]
File manager context menu extension to launch comparison tools
digitools (1.03-1) [universe]
A set of tools to control ASUS Digimatrix embedded hardware
dirdiff (2.1-4) [universe]
Display and merge changes between two directory trees
dirmngr (1.0.1-3) [universe]
server for managing certificate revocation lists
disc-cover (1.5.4-3.1) [universe]
Generate CD disc covers for jewel-cases
discus (0.2.9-4) [universe]
pretty version of df(1) command
disksearch (1.2.1-3) [universe]
Removable media search tool
disktype (9-1) [universe]
detection of content format of a disk or disk image
dissy (7-2) [universe]
graphical frontend for objdump
divxcomp (0.1-5) [universe]
bitrate calculator for DivX;-) movies written in perl
dlocate (0.96.1) [universe]
fast alternative to dpkg -L and dpkg -S
dlume (0.2.4-5) [universe]
Simple and easy to use addressbook (GTK+)
dmidecode (2.9-1ubuntu1)
Dump Desktop Management Interface data
dnotify (0.18.0-1) [universe]
Execute a command when the contents of a directory change
doodle (0.6.7-2) [universe]
Desktop Search Engine (client)
doodled (0.6.7-2) [universe]
Desktop Search Engine (daemon)
doschk (1.1-5) [universe]
SYSV and DOS filename conflicts check
dpkg-cross (2.2.4) [universe]
tools for cross compiling Debian packages
dpkg-dev (1.14.20ubuntu6)
Debian package development tools
dpkg-dev-el (29.3-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Emacs helpers specific to Debian development
dragbox (0.4.0-1) [universe]
A command line drag-and-drop tool for GNOME
dump (0.4b41-5) [universe]
4.4bsd dump and restore for ext2 filesystems
dumpasn1 (20030222-3) [universe]
ASN.1 object dump program
duplicity (0.4.12-2ubuntu1) [universe]
encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup
durep (0.9-1) [universe]
create disk usage reports
dvbtune (0.5-11) [universe]
Simple tuning application for DVB cards
dvd+rw-tools (7.1-2ubuntu1)
DVD+-RW/R tools
dvdbackup (0.2-2) [universe]
tool to rip DVD's from the command line
dvdbackup-dbg (0.2-2) [universe]
debug files for dvdbackup
dvdtape (1.6-1) [universe]
Create DVD master filesystems on DLT media
dvhtool (1.0.1-5) [universe]
Manipulate the volume header on sgi partition layouts
dvipng (1.11-1)
convert DVI files to PNG graphics
dvtm (0.4.1-1) [universe]
Tiling window management for the console
dwarfdump (20080409-2) [universe]
utilities to manage DWARF debug information in ELF objects
dwarves (1.3-1) [universe]
set of advanced DWARF utilities
dynamite (0.1.1-1) [universe]
PKWARE Data Compression decompressor

earth3d (1.0.5-1.1) [universe]
Map client displaying a 3D model of the world
easycrypt ( [universe]
simple GUI for managing TrueCrypt crypts
easypg (0.0.16-1) [universe]
yet another GnuPG interface for Emacs
eb-utils (4.3.2-1) [universe]
C library for accessing electronic books (utilities)
eeepc-acpi-scripts (1.0.4) [universe]
Scripts to support suspend and hotkeys on the Asus Eee PC laptop
egg (4.0.6+0.20041122cvs-11) [universe]
Tamago Ver. 4 -- EGG Input Method Architecture for Emacsen
eject (2.1.5-9ubuntu2)
ejects CDs and operates CD-Changers under Linux
elfkickers (2.0a-3) [universe]
collection of programs dealing with the ELF file format
elfutils (0.131-4) [universe]
collection of utilities to handle ELF objects
elscreen (1.4.6-2) [universe]
Screen for Emacsen
emelfm (0.9.2-8build1) [universe]
file manager for X/gtk
emilda-print (0.0.20050628-1) [universe]
Client-side print application for Emilda
encfs (1.4.2-2) [universe]
encrypted virtual filesystem
envyng-core (2.0.1) [universe]
install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver
envyng-gtk (1.1.1ubuntu3) [universe]
dummy package to envyng-core
envyng-qt (2.0.1) [universe]
install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver
epwutil (1.1-7.1) [universe]
Several utilities for EB(Electric Book)/EPWING
escputil (5.2.0~rc1-0ubuntu1) [universe]
maintenance utility for Epson Stylus printers
estic (1.61-20) [universe]
Administration program for ISDN PABX ISTEC 1003/1008
ethtool (6+20080227-1)
display or change ethernet card settings
etoken-pro-support (0.0.5) [multiverse]
Aladdin eToken PRO support package
extract (0.5.20b-1ubuntu1) [universe]
displays meta-data from files of arbitrary type

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