Rilasciata Ubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish“, una versione molto attesa dalla community di utenti perché porta con se GNOME 42, ovvero l'edizione più aggiornata dell'ambiente grafico di riferimento di Ubuntu. Oltretutto tale build godrà di supporto e aggiornamenti di sicurezza costanti per i prossimi cinque anni ovvero fino a aprile 2027.
Una delle novità più interessanti nella nuova versione targata Canonical è rappresentata dal supporto all’Active Directory di Microsoft, ovvero il framework più utilizzato a livello aziendale per la gestione di un dominio.
Tra le nuove feature è possibile trovare GNOME 42 ed il supporto all'Active Directory
Ubuntu 22.04“Jammy Jellyfish" e derivate ufficiale.
Come al solito sono state anche rilasciate tutte le derivate ufficiali in tempo e forma.
Ecco l'elenco completo con i links per il download via Distrowatc:
Ubuntu 22.04“Jammy Jellyfish"
Rate this project Version 22.04 of Ubuntu has been published. The new release is a long-term support (LTS) release which will be supported for five years. The new version ships with components from GNOME 42 and includes support for a range of Raspberry Pi devices. "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, codenamed 'Jammy Jellyfish', is here. This release continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, together with the community and our partners, to introduce new features and fix bugs. Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS gains significant usability, battery and performance improvements with GNOME 42. It features GNOME power profiles and streamlined workspace transitions alongside significant optimisations which can double the desktop frame rate on Intel and Raspberry Pi graphics drivers. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is the first LTS release where the entire recent Raspberry Pi device portfolio is supported, from the new Raspberry Pi Zero 2W to the Raspberry Pi 4./span>" Additional details can be found in the release announcement and in the release notes. Download (pkglist): ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (3,485MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.iso (1,398MB, SHA256, signature, torrent).
Ubuntu MATE 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish".
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Martin Wimpress has announced the release of Ubuntu MATE
22.04, a long-term support Ubuntu community edition. The new release
ships with version 1.26.1 of the MATE desktop, offers an updated HUD,
and refreshes the MATE Tweak tool. "MATE Tweak has
refreshed its supported for 3rd party compositors. Support for Compton
has been dropped, as it is no longer actively maintained and
comprehensive support for picom has been added. picom has three
compositor options: Xrender, GLX and Hybrid. All three are can be
selected via MATE Tweak as the performance and compatibility of each
varies depending on your hardware. Some people choose to use picom
because they get better gaming performance or screen tearing is reduced.
Some just like subtle animation effects picom adds. Recent versions of
rofi, the tool used by MATE HUD to visualise menu searches, has a new
theme system. MATE HUD has been updated to support this new theme engine
and comes with two MATE specific themes (mate-hud and mate-hud-rounded)
that automatically adapt to match the currently selected GTK theme." Additional information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: ubuntu-mate-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,782MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Ubuntu Studio 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish".
Rate this project
Ubuntu Studio
is a communtiy edition of Ubuntu which strives to provide useful tools
for media creation. The project's latest release includes a new dark
theme, rEFInd support, and offers three years of updates. "For
this release, we have a neutral-toned dark theme by default. While we
could have gone with the Breeze Dark color scheme since we dropped the
Materia KDE widget and window theme (it was difficult to maintain and
work with new Plasma features), we decided to develop our own based on
GNOME’s Adwaita Dark theme with a corresponding Light theme. This was to
help with photography since a neutral tone is necessary as Breeze Dark
has a more blueish hue, which can trick the eye into seeing photos as
appearing warmer than they actually are. However, switching from the
dark theme to the light theme is a breeze (pun somewhat intended). When
opening the System Settings, one only has to look at the home screen to
see how to do that. rEFInd is a bootloader for UEFI-based systems. Our
settings which help to support the lowlatency kernel help to create a
menu entry to help apply those settings and keep the lowlatency kernel
as the default kernel detected by rEFInd. To keep it current, simply
enter sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings in the
command line after a kernel update." Additional details can be found in the release announcement. Download: ubuntustudio-22.04-dvd-amd64.iso (4,241MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Kubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish".
Kubuntu is an official Ubuntu community edition which features the KDE Plasma desktop. The project's latest version, 22.04, features three years of support. This release includes some of the latest LTS software fro the KDE project, including Plasma 5.24. "Under the hood, there have been updates to many core packages, including a new 5.15-based kernel, KDE Frameworks 5.92, Plasma 5.24 LTS and KDE Gear (formerly Applications) 21.12.3. Kubuntu has seen many updates for other applications, both in our default install, and installable from the Ubuntu archive. Elisa, KDE connect, Krita, Kdevelop, Digikam, Latte-dock, and many many more applications are updated. Applications that are key for day-to-day usage are included and updated, such as Firefox, VLC and Libreoffice. For this release we provide Thunderbird for email support, however the KDE PIM suite (including kontact and kmail) is still available to install from the archive." Additional details are presented in the release announcement and in the release notes. Download: kubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (3,504MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist)
Lubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish".
Lubuntu is a community flavour of Ubuntu which features the LXQt desktop environment. The project's latest release, Lubuntu 22.04, is supported for three years and ships with LXQt 0.17.0. "You can find the following major applications and toolkits installed by default in this release: LXQt 0.17.0 – more information here.Qt 5.15.3. Mozilla Firefox will be shipped as a Snap package with version 98.0.2 and will receive updates throughout the support cycle of the release. The LibreOffice 7.3.2 suite. VLC 3.0.16, for viewing media and listening to music. Featherpad 1.0.1, for notes and code editing. Discover Software Center 5.24.4, for an easy, graphical way to install and update software. You can find a variety of other applications installed which aim to enhance your experience while staying out of the way of your normal workflow. Please note: The change of firefox to snap package, results in the browser being slower to start. It does not impact execution or subsequent runs during that session. The reason for this is the setting up of the confined environment in which snaps run, and decompress the squashfs, with privacy and security benefits. This is very noticeable on first run especially with live media." Additional information is provided in the project's release announcement. Download: lubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,485MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Xubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish".
Xubuntu 22.04, the latest version of the Ubuntu's popular subproject which features the Xfce desktop, has been released: "The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 22.04. Xubuntu 22.04, code-named 'Jammy Jellyfish', is a long-term support (LTS) release and will be supported for three years, until 2025. The Xubuntu and Xfce development teams have made great strides in usability, expanded features and additional applications in the last two years. Users coming from 20.04 will be delighted with improvements found in Xfce 4.16 and our expanded application set. 21.10 users will appreciate the added stability that comes from the numerous maintenance releases that landed this cycle. Highlights: Mousepad 0.5.8, our text editor, broadens its feature set with the addition of session backup and restore, plugin support and a new gspell plugin; Ristretto 0.12.2, the versatile image viewer, improves thumbnail support and features numerous performance improvements; Whisker Menu Plugin 2.7.1 expands customization options with several new preferences and CSS classes for theme developers...." See the release announcement and the release notes for more information and known issues. Download: xubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,576MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Ubuntu Kylin 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish".
Version 22.04 of Ubuntu Kylin, a distribution of Ubuntu customised for the convenience of users based in China, has been released. The new version features the improved UKUI 3.1 desktop environment (a fork of MATE), together with a variety of improvements and bug fixes: "On April 22, 2022, the Ubuntu Kylin team officially released the new version 22.04 LTS. 22.04 is the fifth long-term support (LTS) release after 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04, and will be officially supported for three years. Compared with the previous version, this updated version adds new functions such as displaying remaining charging time, complex touch gestures and operation animation teaching, system light mode setting, WeChat online login and support for opening personal hotspots. Further optimized the display form of the taskbar area, taskbar startup time, notification popup animation and file manager sidebar level, fixed known issues such as Ctrl+Q not being able to close the music program, and the risk of memory leaks in kylin-burner." See the release announcement (in Simplified Chinese or English) for further information and screenshots. Download: ubuntukylin-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (4,703MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
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