Servizio assolutamente gratuito. Anche da non sottovalutare il servizio relativo ai social bookmarks.
Dopo essersi registrati si clicca su Add New URL e si riempie il modulo con tutti i campi necessari
quindi si clicca su Directory submission> Start submission e si sceglie il sito (se ne abbiamo registrati più di uno); si pigia su Start e via via vengono visualizzate le directory in cui inserire il nostro blog
si sceglie la categoria e si clicca su Submit (o su Skip se si vuole saltare quella directory). In modo automatico e in ordine alfabetico verranno mostrate tutte. Alcune non avranno categorie, altre avranno un sistema di riconoscimento visivo, in ogni caso l'operazione sarà piuttosto rapida. In qualche caso delle directory ti manderanno una email per confermare l'inserimento del tuo blog.
Questo sito non ha solo questa funzionalità ma può anche essere utilizzato per postare articoli sui Social Bookmarking.
L'elenco completo:
bookmarkus | bookmarkus |
eBookDeals | General Bookmarking |
NBDigg | General Bookmarking |
The Zero | General Bookmarking Site |
Articles Network | General Bookmarking Site |
Wagthis | WagThis is a place where you can bookmark stuff by wagging.. |
PillFish | General Bookmarking Site |
Buzz24 | General Bookmarking Site |
DevBump | Cool Game Developement Stuff! |
GoodDiggNews | Where news cheers you up and does not bring you down. |
DiggCore | General Bookmarking Site |
OpenKiwi | General Bookmarking Site |
Takemetop | Generall Bookmarking Site |
Blurpalicious | Social Bookmarking Community |
DigUfun | DigUfun is a place for everyone to submit entertainment contents such as movies, TV, videos, games, and cool stuff and share your fun with others. |
Pligg.se | General Bookmarking Site |
Choowawa | General Bookmarking Site |
Wedgsearch | General Bookmarking Site |
Bookmarks | A bookmark system for European websites. Peoples can share favorites links, find and visit new websites. |
Votedlinks | A social bookmarking site. It allows users to submit articles that will be voted by all and will be promoted, based on votes. |
Thatsi | THATSi(nteresting) is all about user powered content. |
Firdaus | Social Netwoking/ bookmarking for geeks |
Bliggi | General Bookmarking Site |
Favename | General Bookmarking Site |
TopStumbles | General Bookmarking Site |
Ausculture | General Bookmarking Site |
LifeInNews | Gathering News and more from around the World |
SocialDanger | Gathering News and more from around the World |
Mindcow | General Bookmarking Site |
Wedigg | General Bookmarking Site |
BrightSaffire | free social bookmarking website. |
Book-Mark Site | Social Bookmarking Community |
Xawk | General social bookmarking site |
OldRec | General social bookmarking site |
Your Bookmark | General social bookmarking site |
XMaui | XMaui.com is a Web 2.0 bookmarking and links system |
Very Hot Link | General social bookmarking site |
Free Speech Project | General social bookmarking site |
Positive Sharing | General social bookmarking site |
OneDepot | General social bookmarking site |
C My Mark | General social bookmarking community |
My Social Bookmarkers | General social bookmarking community |
Gruks | General social bookmarking community |
Good Web Directory | Good web directory bookmarks is a feature of this free web directory where you can bookmark your favorite SEO related stories and articles |
Shouting Stones | General social bookmarking site |
VetrItalia | General social bookmarking site |
v0v | General social bookmarking site |
Digg and Stumble | General social bookmarking site |
Webonoid | General social bookmarking site |
Jackool | General social bookmarking site |
SiteSmash | SiteSmash! is a community driven experience. Our goal is to help in the quest of finding new, cool, and useful websites, all submitted and voted by users like you! |
I Want To | General social bookmarking site |
SEOvoter | Search Engine Optimizing related community site |
NewsFinda | Newsfinda is all about user powered news from around the web. News feeds and articles are submitted and voted on by the Newsfinda.com community. |
Tech in Review | Technology related social bookmarking site |
SEOjam | SEO related news community site |
BabbleStorm | General social bookmarking site with mostly uk based news |
NewsDoggy | Mostly technology and internet related articles |
LinkBin | General social bookmarking site |
The Blog Link | Social bookmarking site dedicated to blogs and blog posts |
BukMarc | General social bookmarking site |
What 'n' Where | General social bookmarking news site |
NetSteering | General social bookmarking site |
Social Bookmarking SEO | Social bookmark site dedicated to SEO (do-follow) |
SocialMedia1 | General social media bookmarking site |
AddThisTo | General social bookmarking site |
WebGare | General social bookmarking news site |
We Together | General social bookmarking news network |
GoodSubmit | Quality social bookmarking network |
PingLog | Vote & Ping your blog |
SDAS | General social bookmarking site |
MashFactor | Mashfactor brings news voting to the best web 2.0 and social media stories. |
eBizDigger | eBizDigger.com is a social content website powered by users like you |
Affiliated Business | Affiliated-Business.com is a Web 2.0 community driven affiliate marketing directory for those who wants to make money online. |
BlogsVine | Blogsvine, is a user generated, revenue sharing, blog bookmarking and blog post rating website. Anyone, once registered as a Blogsvine Member can submit their blogs or blog posts for free and earn Adsense Revenue. |
Pligg Directory | General social bookmark site |
Joomocracy | Joomla related bookmarking site. Only use this if you have a joomla related article |
Blurpalicious | Get Blurped! Not too different from other social bookmarks, but I love the tagline. |
PPCad | Looking for a website to learn more about PPC, PPC Ad is just the site you were looking for. Here people share the links to all the top articles on PPC. |
Informed Networker | Informed Networker is a social news site for Information Technology Professionals. It offers you to share links to various websites. |
DropJack | DropJack social news network, article and news content website |
MobilityBeat | MobilityBeat is a social networking community about mobile devices and technology. If you are looking for tips and tricks or how to make your mobile device work better then this is the right place. |
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Tulis commentiFantastico. Mi è piaciuto il tuo post ed è condiviso ai miei social Networks!
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